Page 109 of Just Like That

I looked down at her for long enough that anyone would consider it creepy, but I didn’t care. I placed a kiss on her bare shoulder and rested on the pillow beside her. Outside of the airplane window, life was barreling forward, but for the next few hours, I wouldn’t allow anything but her to matter.



The titterof Bluebirds was a soothing soundtrack to my Wednesday evening. Sure it was a far cry from the lull of crashing waves against a yacht on the Amalfi Coast, but it was perfect.

It had been almost a week since our trip to Italy and my head was still in the clouds. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I missed Tommaso’s cappuccino.

I kept catching my thoughts wandering back to why Olive would have Maryann King’s necklace. The stunned look on JP’s face told me there was no mistaking it was hers, and it seemed like it was no coincidence.

He had been so tender and selfless in letting me keep something of his mother’s that had also belonged to my sister, but it only added to the mounting questions I had about Olive.

What other secrets was she hiding?

Listening to the conversations around me, I sighed and settled into the plush velvet of my wingback chair.

“You okay?” Emily’s kind face was creased with concern.

“I am.” I gave her a soft smile. “I thought I would miss Italy, but it feels really good to be home.”

Her eyebrow pitched up. “Home, huh?”

I could feel my cheeks heat, and I tried to hide it with a sip of whatever rum cocktail concoction Annie had brought with her. It was fruity and rich and just the perfect amount of sour.

I raised the glass to Emily. “Home is where the skoolie is.”

Her lips twisted in playful disbelief. “Mm-hmm.”

A sharp laugh lurched out of me. “Oh, and thanks again for Lego camp.”

If she was dizzy from my sudden change of topic, Emily didn’t let it show. Instead, she smiled widely in the way she always did when she spoke about the children’s programs she ran at the local library. “Did Teddy enjoy it? I think we had a lot of fun!”

I grinned. “He did. Loved it, actually. He’s still talking about it and how we need to scour a few stores to find thereally good stuff. He wants to build another set to go with the next book he’s picked out to read.”

Emily sat back in her chair with a contented sigh. “That makes me so happy. I knew I could snag a few curious minds if I mixed books with kids’ love of building. The feedback is really helpful.”

I took another sip. “I’m sure he’ll be wanting to sign up for the next activity. I’ll keep you posted.”

Emily’s hand rested on my forearm. “I’m happy you found your way here to us. Both of you.”

A tightness in my chest bloomed and unexpected tears sprung to my eyes. Everything about this quirky coastal town was unexpected, yet drew me in.

The people.

The quaintness of the small town.


Emily took a drink, quietly eyeing me as if she could see my thoughts hopping in my head. “Have you heard anything yet?”

I swallowed down the emotion and shook my head. I knew she was talking about the paternity results. In reality, the impending results only increased my anxiety, so I had buried it deep down and focused on thenow. I hated anytime the doubts and insecurities cropped up.

What if JP wasn’t Teddy’s dad?

What if he was?

What if this thing between us develops into something more?