Say it ... say you miss him.
Shouldn’t you be working?
And yes ... I miss him. Happy?
If you ever find a man who’sa little prickly, secretly tender, and also obscenely wealthy? Even if the dude has got some baggage, go for it.
Highly recommend it. You can thank me later.
With warm, happy thoughts, I stretched and yawned against the plush comforter as I snuggled deeper into the bedding. The private yacht JP had procured was completely over the top. A butler, private chef, and housekeeper were all available to us at any time. We spent two days sailing the west coast of Italy, stopping at hidden alcoves and private beaches that felt made for only us. I had loads of content to post on my social media but focused my attention on the man lying beside me.
I was in love.
There was absolutely no denying it.
JP was stretched out on his back, totally naked, and still peacefully dreaming. I took a tiny peek under the sheet and giggled. The night before we had finally collapsed in bed, exhausted and satiated in the wee morning hours.
As magical and romantic as the whirlwind trip had been, I missed Teddy. I missed Michigan and the weird little coastal town we’d wound up in. I missed the skoolie and couldn’t wait to decorate her with a few quirky knickknacks JP had bought me.
I looked at him again, and the butterflies in my tummy sprang to life.
Maybe JP still frowned when he slept, but he looked peaceful doing it.
I couldn’t help but feel the giddiness in knowing that maybe I’d had a hand in creating that peace.
It was our last day in Italy and JP had something up his sleeve. Last night he’d spoken to the staff in whispers and sidelong glances. I was nosy enough to try to listen in, but I couldn’t hear enough details to know anything other than he hadsomethingplanned for us tonight.
A tiny ball of excited energy bounced around my belly.
Would it be insane if he proposed?
The rogue thought stopped me in my tracks. What the fuck was that about?
I wasn’t even supposed tolikeJP, let alone begin fantasizing about what life would be like with him long-term.
I pressed my fingers into my eyes and tried to shake the thought. “God, what would Olive think?” I whispered to myself as I searched for a shirt.
“I think she’d be grateful for how much you love Teddy.” JP’s thick voice startled me, and I let out a nervous laugh as his hand ran over the tense spot where my shoulder met my neck.
I leaned back into him, closing my eyes with a sigh. His chest was hard and warm, and I buried the guilt of knowing I had fallen for my sister’s ex ... whatever he was.
I swallowed hard, put on a brave face, and turned with a smile. “Morning.”
JP’s dark brows pitched down. “Hey.” His eyes roamed over my face. “What’s wrong?”
I hated that he could read me so well. I could have lied. I could have told him nothing was wrong or that I was homesick.
Instead, JP’s expression reflected trust back to me, and I couldn’t do it. He deserved my honesty.
I looked up at him, praying he would understand. “I’m feeling ... guilty, maybe?” I swallowed down the lump in my throat. A whisper was all I could manage. “Like maybe it should have been Olive here instead of me.”
A deep noise rumbled in his chest. His arms wrapped around me, and I melted into him. “You’re wrong.” He cupped my face. “Look, I understand why you would say that, but you’re wrong. Sure, guilt has come up for me too—not because I have any latent feelings there, but because of Teddy. He lost his mom and I know how deeply that changes someone. I don’t remember much about my own mother, and it kills me that Teddy might not remember how much his mom loved him ... but I wouldn’t be here with anyone other than you.”
Hot tears sprang to my eyes. “I just don’t want him to forget about her.”