Page 48 of Just Like That

I raised an eyebrow. “Setting the mood?”

His jaw flexed and my stomach bunched. I couldn’t help the fact he was so easy to annoy, and that stern look justdidsomething to my insides.

Giving him a break, I motioned with my head to the kitchen table. “Come on.”

He followed and I sat at the head of the table, unfolding the mat and placing the selenite crystal beside it. If he was freaked out, he didn’t show it. JP simply took a drink of his wine and slid the other glass closer to me.

I placed my hand over the white sage smudge stick. “This is for purifying and cleansing negative energy. Is it okay if I do that?”

He nodded once.

With a smile, I lit a match and ignited the sage. Once it was lit, I blew it out, allowing the embers to gently smoke. I wafted the fragrant smoke around us. “It’s okay if you don’t believe in it.”

JP shrugged. “It’s fine. Luna practically bathes me in smoke every time I see her at the tattoo shop. I’m used to it.”

I snorted gently and set down the bundle. “I knew I liked her.”

JP exhaled and leaned in. “Between you and me? Sometimes I think it actually works.”

I smiled at him before I closed my eyes. I tipped my head back and rolled my head. I moaned, trying not to giggle. I could feel his wary gaze on my skin. “What? What’s that?” I whispered. I put my fingers against my temple. “Who is it? Who’s there? Molly?” My eyes flew open. “Molly, you’re in danger, girl!”

JP looked around in panic as though he might see a spirit standing in his kitchen. “What? Who the hell is Molly?”

I couldn’t hold in my laughter. JP’s features went stern and I laughed even harder. “Okay. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m just teasing. Haven’t you ever seen the movieGhost?”

JP huffed, but smiled. “You’re ridiculous.”

I grinned. “Thank you. Now, come on, scoot over here.” I tamped down the giddy smile that played on my lips and exhaled. “I can do a three-card reading. If there’s anything you are searching for or want guidance from the universe about, you can hold on to those thoughts while I shuffle.”

He eyed me skeptically, but with a shake of his head, closed his eyes. Closing his eyes was unnecessary, but I took the moment to soak in how truly handsome he was. His dark features softened, and I wondered if he looked that peaceful when he slept.

My hands trembled as I cut the deck and began to shuffle.

After I was satisfied the deck was mixed, I flipped over the first card.

“Okay,” I said with a gentle smile. “This is a good start. The Ten of Cups. This card represents harmony.” I pointed at the ornate illustration. “See how the couple is lovingly embracing? Their children are playing nearby and all ten cups are full.”

JP studied the card with a frown. “Seems nice.”

I smiled at him, relieved that there wasn’t a hint of mockery in his tone. “Itisnice. It’s meant to represent emotional fulfillment and lasting happiness.”

He took a deep breath as I shuffled again. The scent of white sage clung to the air and wrapped around us.

I flipped the next card. “Oh, okay. This is the Four of Wands. See how the pair is dancing? They’re celebrating. It’s a card that represents homecoming—that could be anactualhomecoming or an emotional one, like finding the lost parts of yourself. It usually represents a safe and secure home environment.”

He looked around the dim living room and kitchen bathed in flickering candlelight. “I like that.” He shifted, resting his chin in his hand. “What’s next?”

I gently released my breath and shuffled again. My fingers twitched and two cards fell from the deck, face down. “Oh, you have some jumpers.” I set the deck aside. “Jumpers are when a card—or in this case, two—jumps out. It means it’s a message the universe wants you to have.”

I waggled my eyebrows at him, then flipped the cards over one by one and stared.

Oh, shit.

His eyes bounced from the cards to me. “What?” He chuckled. “Is it bad?”

I slid one toward him, using my hand to cover the illustration. “No. There are nobadcards. It’s all about interpretation and intention. Um ...” My brow furrowed as I scrambled to think how to approach explaining the cards that jumped.

“This is the Tower.” I slid it closer and removed my hand so JP could see it.