Page 56 of Echoes of Fear

I know the twins will share their person one day, and I also know they’re Versatile Doms. They will be whatever their Sub needs.

“I’ll be Papa, and Blaze will be Daddy,” Steel says. “But no matter who they turn out to be, they will be very well-behaved.”

I laugh, and Blaze shakes his head.

“You would get bored,” Blaze says. “You need someone to test your patience.”

“I have none,” Steel lies.

He’s the most patient man I’ve ever known.

“I’m going back to my post,” I announce.

“Thanks, brother,” Steel calls out.

I relieve Reynolds and spend the rest of the night waiting for six in the morning so I can head home.

Damn, I miss my Pup.

Chapter Twelve


Stupid Reynolds forgot to mention one negative thing about not having any neighbors. One very important very negative thing.


I was able to sleep for a few hours, but that was only cause it was still daylight outside when I fell asleep.

Sure, I’ve been here for two weeks now and have slept just fine. But I’ve also never been alone.

“Titan, you can be pretty scary, right?”

He looks up, and I watch as his nose twitches.

“What do you smell, boy? A robber?” I ask, looking around for intruders. “I don’t have any monies, robber man. Wait, that’s a lie. I has a dollar on the kitchen table. Take it and leave, please.”

I only have that dollar cause Hayes said a bad word, and Papa made him pay up.

“I has a very spensive laptop in here with me, but you can’t has that cause I’m a very portant person when I’m Big and I needs it. But you can has my phone.”

“Really, baby?”

I scream an embarrassingly loud scream and fall on my butt next to the bed.

“First and foremost,” he says, leaning against my bedroom door frame. “If you think there is an intruder in the house, don’t call out to them. And, secondly, don’t tell them that you’re hoarding expensive things and expect them to leave.”

“Oh,” I say. “Prolly not a good idea, huh?”

“No,” he straightens and walks towards me. When he’s standing at my feet, he kneels down and cups my face. “Hi there, Pup,” he smiles. “I’m really glad to finally, officially, meet you.”

I open my mouth to deny it but freeze.

Okay, so maybe my Little isn’t completely dead.

“I don’t know whats you’re talking about, old man,” I say instead.

Papa’s eyes grow wide, and I know I only has seconds to jump and run away before he attacks.