“And you’re outside,” he smiles, cupping my face in his warm hands. “What an incredibly brave thing for you to do, baby boy.”
Not caring that everyone is watching us, Taylor leans in and captures my lips in a sweet kiss.
“What a wonderful surprise to come home to,” he says against my mouth. “Papa is so proud of you, Pup.”
“I never thought I’d see the day when my brother met someone who he would look at the way he is you.”
Chuckling, Taylor steps aside and holds his hand out to the woman.
“Baby, this Emily. Emily, I’d like you to meet Knox.”
“My brother has been captured by the Watcher. How fuckin’ awesome it that.”
Em laughs as she yanks me forward into a hug.
“The Watcher, huh?”
“Ignore her,” I laugh.
Logically, I know I’m a smart man. I know that not many people can do what I can. But I don’t like to boast or brag. It just feels wrong.
“Didn’t you know?” Emily raises her brow. “Knox here is very popular in my line of work. He hides behind shadows and watches the world without a single soul knowing he’s there. He once helped the good old United States Secret Service find and capture a group of cyber dicks who targeted the President. He had to go into hiding when they hacked into the White House’s security network and would have had to remain there if your man here hadn’t stepped in.”
“I never heard anything about that,” Reynolds says.
“You wouldn’t have,” Emily says, hugging the man.
“I’m surprised you do,” I admit quietly.
“Are you kidding?” she laughs. “We knew instantly that it was The Watcher because no one else I know of could have pulled off that level of stealth. Knox, you’re a legend in our cyber circle.”
Emily winks at me, and I can’t help but smile at the compliment, even though I’m not one to seek recognition for my skills. Reynolds looks at me with newfound respect, realizing there’s much more to me than meets the eye, I guess.
“It’s not something I talk about,” I reply humbly, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the attention.
“Well, you should,” Emily insists. “People need to know there are heroes out there, even if they operate in the shadows. I think you and I are going to be best friends.”
“I think not, woman,” Reynolds says, wrapping his arm over my shoulder. “I’m afraid the title of thebest friendhas already been taken, right,Knoxy? You can be hisregular friend.”
A breeze passes by, making me shiver. But I know it’s not from the cold.
“I think I’m ready to go back inside,” I say, looking at the cars flying by on the highway nearby.
“Come on, Watcher,” Taylor says, pulling me from his friend’s arms. “Your President and I have something we want to talk with you all about, so get your asses inside.”
The group grumbles as they all make their way back into the house.
Chapter Ten
Sitting down on the couch, I pull Knox sideways onto my lap.
When I pulled into my driveway and saw Knox sitting on the swing next to Reynolds, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I ignored my yard full of bikers and headed straight for my man. I wasn’t expecting to be gone for three days, and I hated being away from him every second. The phone updates weren’t enough, and I needed to touch him. So, my lap is the perfect place for him to sit.
“Grab chairs from the kitchen unless you want to sit on the floor,” I call out. Between my men and the Obsidians, there are about fifteen people in my house.