“Excuse me?” Steel growls.
“Because of me, we haven’t been able to spend time at King and Maddy’s place,” I say. “We used to go over there weekly to have cookouts and pool parties, but we haven’t been since I was attacked. I’ve ruined all of your lives.”
“That’s simply not true, kid,” Ghost says. “We’ve changed things around a bit, but it’s not because we had to. We wanted to do what we could to remind you that you’re still part of our family.”
“I know,” I sigh, wiping away the tears. “And I’ve never once felt like I was on the outside with you guys. But it doesn’t change the fact that my illness is affecting more lives than my own.”
I take a look around the room at my old friends and then at my new ones.
My gaze lingers on Taylor, and a calmness enters me. I’m drawn to the man like I have never felt before. Right in this moment, I make a decision.
I’m going to get better. I’m going to fight myself to take back control of my life. I’m not sure if Taylor will be part of that future. I’m not even sure he’s interested in men that way. But maybe somewhere out there is another Taylor that’s just for me.
And I won’t find him by cowering behind walls.
“I can practically see your mind working on something, baby boy,” Taylor smiles.
“Let’s just say that I’ve had a breakthrough on a few things,” I respond. “Alright. Let’s get this meeting started. There are some things you all need to know before you do something that’s going to get Emily killed. Is my laptop here?”
“I got it, Knoxy,” Reynolds says, placing my laptop on the table in front of me.
“Thanks,” I say, booting it up. I look up at the waiting faces looking back at me. “Alright. A little over three years ago, Emily Taylor was caught hacking into the FBI database to steal information on some suspects.”
“She never told me that,” Taylor mutters.
“She was given a choice,” I continue. “Either live the next ten years behind bars or become an undercover informant.”
“What the fuck?” Reynolds yells. “Emily would never.”
“Well, she did. Anyway, Emily was trying to obtain information on some of the suspects they had for an online pedophile ring operating inside of the Celtic Cartel. Emily is part of a group called Code Justice. It’s a group of coders who go on specific forums where Peds are known to frequent. They draw the Peds in and then hack into their lives, for lack of a better phrase.”
“Fuckin’ sneaky brat,” Taylor shakes his head.
“What does that have to do with her marrying Edward?” asks Hayes.
“A good story starts from the beginning so that you can better understand the ending, Hayes,” I tell him. “Be patient. Anyway, they wanted her to find a way to get close to the Cartel. Now, seeing as how the Cartel itself operates out of New York and she lived in Kentucky, she had a problem. With a little digging, she found out that the Cartel was led by a man named, Finn McCarthy. McCarthy is in his sixties and married, and she didn’t want to arouse suspicion by attracting his attention.”
Once my laptop is completely booted up, I open up the encrypted site that Emily and I have been using to communicate.
I’m telling them everything before they get you killed by coming to your rescue.
I send the message and get back to the story.
“It didn’t take much digging for her to find a better suitor,” I continue. “McCarthy has a grandson. Can anyone guess his name?”
“Fuckin’ Edward.”
“Right, you are,” I nod at Taylor. “Edward Thompson is not only McCarthy’s grandson. He’s also the next one in line to take over the family business should McCarthy step down. Or die.”
“So, Emily finds Edward and pretends to fall in love?” Reynolds asks.
“Exactly,” I say. “She watched him for several weeks to learn his schedule. Then proceeded toaccidentallykeep running into him. She did everything she could to make him fall in love with her. And it worked.”
My laptop dings, and I look down to read Emily’s message.
You tell that damn brother of mine that if he ruins this mission, I will make it my goal to make his dog hate him.
Laughing, I turn the laptop over and nod at Taylor to read it.