“Is he alright, boss?”
Looking down at Knox, I nod.
“Yeah, he was just a little overwhelmed,” I tell Reynolds. “His breathing is even. His mind just needed a break for a while.”
“That’s something I can understand,” Venom says.
That man has a story to tell. Maybe one day we’ll be close enough friends that he’ll tell me.
Conversations continue around me while my complete focus is on the man in my arms. King assures me that the man responsible for harming Knox has been taken care of. But it doesn’t change the pit in my stomach.
I don’t even know what happened to him, but in the end, it doesn’t matter.
“Why are you holding me?” Knox whispers groggily.
“Simply because I want to,” I whisper back.
“Oh,” he responds.
Instead of pulling away to stand, Knox relaxes deeper into my hold. I adjust my position, crossing one leg over the other, and hold him closer. If he doesn’t want me to let go, I won’t.
“What are we going to do about your sister?” Jax asks.
“We’re going to work together and find her,” Ghost answers.
“Prez, we’re not that type of club,” Jax responds.
“We made a mistake last year when it came to protecting someone,” Ghost tells us. “One of our own was in danger, and instead of believing her, we pushed her away.”
“From that day forward,” Venom continues. “We vowed to change our ways. We used to keep the Obsidian’s low profile. Didn’t want our name in places where it shouldn’t be.”
“Now, the whole fucking world is going to know who we are,” Ghost growls. “We’re going to rescue your sister, Taylor. Even if we have to take down the entire Celtic Cartel to do so.”
“By the sound of it, it might not be a bad thing,” Venom says. “But we’re going to need a little help.”
“I’ve already decided to call Cap and ask if he can send over a couple of Phantoms,” Ghost informs us. “I’m not afraid to admit that we’re in over our heads.”
Beeping from Knox’s desk has him stiffen.
“She doesn’t need our help,” Knox mumbles as he scoots off my lap and rushes back to his desk. “But someone’s on our property. Are we expecting a delivery?” he asks.
“Not that I’m aware of,” Ghost answers. “I have some packages being sent to the Cage, but they aren’t scheduled to arrive for another two days. Why?”
“Express Transit just dropped off a package by the front gate.”
Before he can finish talking, Venom is already on his way out of the room.
“Why doesn’t she need our help?” I ask.
“She’s got backup,” is all he says. His eyes are unfocused, and I’m afraid he’s on the verge of another panic attack, so I don’t press the issue.
“It doesn’t say who it’s from,” Venom says a few minutes later.
Placing the box on the meeting table, he steps back.
“It’s for you, Knox.”
“We’re all on edge over a damn package,” Blaze says. “Knox is living here. Of course, he’s going to have things delivered.”