Page 72 of Echoes of Fear

After tucking our sticky cocks back into our clothes, Taylor lifts me and takes us to the bathroom.

“Did we really just do that outside where anyone could see?” I ask, suddenly a bit horrified.

“I would never let a single soul see you in the throws of pleasure, baby boy,” he says, kissing me softly. “You have the perfect mouth. Your lips are nice and plump after all of my ministrations. I bet they would look sexy as fuck wrapped around my cock.”

I’m about to hop off the sink and fall to my knees, but Taylor shakes his head and laughs.

“Later, baby,” he promises. “Come on. Let’s get you settled on the couch so you can relax while you find the fucker stealing from our President.”

And we do just that. He gets me settled with some water and a snack before tucking a blanket around me and handing me my laptop.

“You’re such a Daddy,” I smile up at him. “Always taking care of me.”

“Not just any Daddy, Pup,” he says. “Just yours. Be good for me while I’m away.”

“I make no promises,” I shout out as he leaves the house.

I know he heard me because I can hear his muffled laughter.

Good. I don’t want him to think I will always do what he says.


“I’ve searched through every file you have,” I tell Ghost. “I’m either missing something, or not everything has been added to your bars financial records.”

“Fuck,” Ghost sighs through the phone.

“Taylor told me today that Hayes might be able to help,” I remember. “I guess he’s an auditor.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to him tomorrow. Thanks for trying, Knox.”

After saying our goodbyes I hang up the phone and look around. At some point, I must have moved to lying on the floor in front of the couch. Standing, I stretch my aching body. It’s already eight, and I am starving. I’ve been hunkered over this laptop for hours now.

Walking to the fridge, I pause when I see a note.

Meatloaf dinner is wrapped and ready for you, baby boy. Just need to heat it up.



Smiling, I find the plate, unwrap it, and stick it in the microwave. Seconds later, the power in the whole house goes out.

Now, I’m not afraid of the dark… Much… Okay, that was a lie. I freaking hate the dark. I have no idea where any flashlights or candles are, and my phone is on the couch.

Trying not to freak out, I slowly make my way back to the living room. Luckily, there weren’t any obstacles to trip me. Feeling around, I find my phone and pull up Taylor’s number.

“You okay, baby?” he answers.

“Uhm, the power went out,” I say shakily. “Why did the power go out? Is there another tornado coming?”

“It shouldn’t have gone out,” he says. “There’s been no tornado warning, baby. Let me check something real quick.”

“What’s going on?” I hear Reynolds say.

“No outages have been reported, and there isn’t a cloud in the sky,” Taylor says.

“Titan,” I call out. “Come here, boy.”