“My nana is making a big dinner. She said your friend is coming too.” He peeked over Grand’s shoulder and his eyes locked on me.
“Is she your friend?”
The most adorable expression was on his face when his brows pinched.
“She is. You remember Saniya. The one who put the patches on your jacket.”
His brows moved in more when he peeked over Grand’s shoulder again, staring like he was trying to make sure I was the same person, but then he smiled. “I remember.”
He wiggled his way out of Grand’s arms and stepped up to me. “Did my Daddy teach you how to ride yet?”
Grand barked a laugh and I threw my hand over my mouth to contain the one I threatened to release. “He did actually.” I extended a hand. “It’s nice to meet you. You are very handsome.”
“Thank you.”
“My nana said I look just like my dad.”
I kneeled a little. “You do but I think you’re just a bit more handsome than he is. Don’t tell him though.”
His smile expanded before he was dragging me into the living room to show me some new game. We chatted away while Grand disappeared in the kitchen, spending time with his mother. Once dinner was ready, we ate in the living room. Grand and Raiden sat on the floor together while his mother and I shared a sofa.
The two of them existed in their own little world and I loved enjoying their connection. Raiden chatted away to all of us but mostly his father until it was time for him to get ready for bed. He hugged me and asked if I would come ride with him to which I agreed.
The promise meant I had to buy a bike because I didn’t currently own one. Grand took him upstairs to get him in bed and I sat in the kitchen with his mother while she cleaned after multiple attempts to help which she shot down, demanding I sit and keep her company.
“Grand hasn’t said anything about you before today,” she stated after refilling my empty glass with wine and joining me at the table once she was done.
I flinched. “We haven’t known each other long.”
She smiled softly and nodded. “Please don’t misinterpret my intent with mentioning that Grand hasn’t discussed you with me. I only brought it up because regardless of him telling me about you, you’re here. Whatever exists between the two of you is a good indication that you mean something to my son. I’m curious to know if this is just dinner or if he means something to you as well.”
“He does.”
She nodded. “Do you know about Raiden’s mother?”
“Yes, he told me.”
“And what happened because of that night?”
“If you mean the past five years, then yes, he told me that too. He’s been honest about his life. What it used to be and what it is now.”
She stared at me for a silent moment then spoke again. “My son is grown, can make his own decisions when it comes to how he spends his time and who he spends it with, but he’s still my baby. He’ll always be my baby. Grand has been through a lot. He’s constantly at war with whether or not he deserves to be happy. He possibly always will be. Losing someone you love is hard to move on from but it’s not impossible. I want my son to be happy. He’s a great man and an amazing father and deserves to have the love he gives us returned. Regardless of the things that have happened in his life or what he believes, he deserves love.I want that for him. You being here, meeting Raiden, is a huge deal.” She covered my hand with hers and squeezed lovingly. “Please don’t take that lightly.”
“I don’t. I know what it means for him to let me into this part of his life. I give you my word that I won’t abuse the privilege.”
“Thank you.” She smiled softly and walked away just in time for me to catch a pair of intense brown eyes burning over my face with concern.
“You ready?”
He nodded and motioned for me to join him. After we said our goodbyes and I thanked his mother for dinner, we left her house with promises of something new lingering between us.Commitment.
From across the room,I wiggled into a pair of panties then jerked one of Grand’s T-shirts over my head, while I watched his fingers smoothly glide over the screen of his phone. He had a frown set in place and the muscles in his arms and shoulders flexed as his fingers moved.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just my mom doing too damn much.” He grinned but kept his eyes on the device until I crossed the room and climbed onto his lap. I slipped the phone from his hand and he leaned back, allowing his body to sink into the mattress. While his hands moved up and down my thighs, I grinned at the cluster of messages.