“And you know I will square the fuck up if I need to.”
“Aight, aight. Chill. Let me head out so I’m not late. I’ll holler at you.”
I didn’t have a lot of people in my life but the ones who showed up for me were solid and the newest addition to that list had me feeling like I could breathe.
When I roundedthe passenger side of my car, Raiden grinned so damn big, I couldn’t control my own smile. Something as simple as grabbing breakfast and bringing him to school had Raiden happy as fuck.
“Don’t forget your book bag,” I reminded him seconds before he climbed out. He nodded, reaching for it and standing next to me while I adjusted his hoodie and matching joggers. When I pulled up this morning, he took one look at my fit and decided he wanted to match my fly so I found something similar in his closet.
Navy hoodie and joggers along with a pair of Nikes. He pouted about not being able to wear his Yeezy slides but the school had a policy about them wearing slides of any kind because of recess.
“Daddy, I can’t wait for you to meet my teacher. I told her that you were coming.” He slipped his hand in mine after I slipped my arm through his backpack. He walked beside me, rambling about different things in his classroom he planned to show me and how he told all his friends that his dad was home and coming to visit the school. My fucking heart melted at how excited he was.
“Good morning, Raiden. Mr. Sinclair.” The guy who tried to stop me from picking up Raiden in the car pickup line a little over a month ago moved away from drop-off line and cut off our path. “I’ll take him from here.”
“Nah, we’re good. He wants me to see his classroom and meet his teacher.”
I paused and grunted, glaring at him and ol’ boy flinched and rolled his shoulders back. I had to remember where I was; other students and parents in view. As much as I wanted to check this muthafucker so he would find something safe to do with his time and stop fucking with my peace, I refused embarrass my son. I edged close and spoke directly but clearly.
“If you’re about to tell me some shit about school rules or policy, don’t waste your fucking breath. I’m really trying my best not to embarrass the fuck out of you out of respect for my son, but for some reason, you like tipping the scales between my peace and your wellbeing. How about you don’t so this doesn’t get any worse than it already is.”
He reared his head back and his eyes darted around before landing on me. “As I explained before, we have policies in place to protect the safety of all students, not just your son. I can’t…”
“Mr. Jensen. Is there a problem?”
The soft but stern voice that sounded close by had me glaring in her direction. The woman wore a concerned look with one hand clasping the other wrist in front of her body so her posture was relaxed. She was in a navy pantsuit and heels which meant she was likely admin and not a teacher. Most of them were in casual clothes, slacks, school polos, or t-shirts.
“Uhh, no, I was just explaining to Mr. Sinclair that we don’t allow parents in the building during morning drop-off and that he could schedule an appointment to view Raiden’s class and meet his teacher.”
Her eyes lowered to Raiden who was still clutching my hand at my side. “You’re Grand Sinclair.”
I frowned and nodded while Raiden confirmed in a cheerful voice. “My daddy.”
She smiled and extended a hand. It threw me for a minute but I accepted and we shook before she dropped her arms to her sides. “Your mother stopped in a few months ago to let usknow you would be added to Raiden’s approved guardian list. She explained that we would see more of you. It’s a pleasure to formally meet you.”
“Thank you.”
She turned to ol’ boy. “I’ll take them inside with me.”
Her compliance pissed him off and I laughed arrogantly at how he mugged the fuck out of me when she lowered to address Raiden. “You’re Kindergarten, right? Mrs. Gleason.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She turned her attention to me. “Perfect. She’s already in her classroom and I’m sure she won’t mind a quick tour and introduction. We’ll have to keep it short but if you would like a one on one conference, you can call and get on her schedule. How’s that sound?”
“I appreciate that.”
She smiled and nodded, heading to the doors. Being polite, I raced around her to open it before she got a chance to. We walked through the hallway to Raiden’s class where he tugged me from place to place, showing me his desk, his open locker where he kept his coat and book bag, and artwork that was on display. I was also introduced to his teacher. She was welcoming and raved about what an amazing kid he was. She addressed me in a way that respected that I was his father. They saw a caring parent, not a man who did five years in prison.
I thanked them both and said goodbye, while Raiden put his book bag away and prepared for his day. The principal walked me back to the front of the school so I could leave but stopped me right before I dipped out.
“As much as your priority is to your son and you advocate for his safety and happiness, mine as well as my staff’s priority is to Raiden and every other student who attends classes here. You’re getting acclimated to our rules which is why I extended the consideration today. Please understand it’s imperative thatyou follow the rules here. Can you give me your word that you will at least try to be more accommodating to my staff?” Her words were firm but her approach was drastically different than ol’ boy’s.
“I respect that and yeah, I’ll follow the rules. Thank you for letting me break protocol.”
“You’re welcome. Dedicated parents are our allies. Have a great day, Mr. Sinclair.”