“It’s not on me, it’s in me, and yeah. You get money your way and I’ll get it mine.” Once again his tone was laced with amusement. There was no judgement on my end because how the fuck could I judge anybody?
“What time?”
The races were always late night or early morning pending how you wanted to consider things. If the cops were going to be avoided and the streets clear from pedestrians lowering the risk of casualties, then timing was imperative.
“Aight, send me the information and I’ll be there.”
“I got you and if she’s not willing to unhand your balls long enough to let you come, bring her with you.”
He hung up before I could check him. I laughed, because like it or not, whatever I got into with Saniya tonight would determine whether or not she would be with me when I pulled up.
Since I had a couple hours from Walt ending the day early, I decided to swing by and get some time in with Raiden. I called my mother to be sure they were home first then headed their way. A few days ago, I’d picked up a bike helmet that was a replica of a motorcycle helmet and a jean jacket Saniya spent an hour decorating with iron on patches she’d ordered online. A helmet and skull filled the back and several other biker themed ones for the sleeves along with his name on the left pocket. I fucked with her heavy for the gesture.
I smiled big as shit when I pulled into the driveway and had to park behind his bike because it was positioned behind my mother’s car. I glanced at the porch to find him smiling just aswide, bouncing in place, waving at me like his entire day had been made.
The minute I got out of the car, he darted toward me but I caught him and lifted him into my arms before we collided. He hugged my neck so tightly I barely managed to inhale a solid breath. “My nana said I had to stay on the porch until you got here.”
“Because he refused to wait inside after I told him you were coming.” I smirked, glancing toward the house where my mother was standing on the porch in the spot he’d vacated.
“You happy to see me?”
“Yes, it’s been two days.” The confession crushed my heart. My son was counting the fucking days of my absence. I fought hard to push down thoughts of how he handled me not being around over the past five years.
“Is that too long?” I forced a smile to lighten the mood.
“I’ll do better.” I pressed my forehead to his and he frowned.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t have to do better. I just miss you a lot.”
Fuck, this kid.
“I didn’t mean it like that. Just that I miss you too and I’ll make sure I see you more.”
“If I stay at your house I can see you every day.”
“I know, man. I’m working on it.” I cuffed the back of his head and brought him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead before I let him down. “Go get your bike and bring it down here. I have something for you.”
I wanted Raiden with me and was making moves to ensure he was. I put in an application for a two-bedroom once I officially started working with Walt. He offered to be an employment reference to provide whatever I needed to secure the spot. I was currently waiting for them to make a decision.
He grinned and nodded but tilted his head back. “Is this from your work?” Raiden’s small hands tugged at the leg of my coveralls. Usually when I left work, I removed them and tossed them in the trunk because I was typically covered in dust. Things were so weighted when I left Walt today I’d skipped that part. This was the first time Raiden had seen me in them.
I kneeled to get eye level with my son. “Yeah, this is from work.”
“What do you do?” His brows pinched.
“I build stuff.”
His eyes lit up. “Like what?”
“Buildings and houses.”
He stuck his chest out and smiled. “I can do that too when I grow up. Will you get me some of these like yours?”
My fucking heart shattered at his innocence. He wanted to be like me and the pride I felt from my son seeing me as someone he admired had my chest tight. More than anything it made me want to be someone worthy of looking up to.