Saniya made her way to me, lifted onto her toes to deliver a kiss respectable enough to be witnessed by her parents, andremoved the beer from my hand. One I’d nursed most of the evening. I barely took down a few swallows at best and only accepted to be polite. She turned it up and winked at me before turning to her sister. “Come on, Meen. Let’s help Mom get this cleaned up.”
They moved, dumping paper plates and empty pizza boxes into trash bags while I joined Kevin and began folding metal chairs, which I stacked near the wall before helping him with the oversized card table.
“Let’s get these first.” He motioned to the chairs then clasped a hand on my shoulder. “And you can relax. Based on the look you had a few minutes ago, my wife already had the ‘don’t break our daughter's heart’ talk with you. I won’t double down.”
I chuckled, nodded, and lifted two of the metal chairs, following him to the garage. We made two more trips, the last being the table which we moved together. After everything was stacked neatly in one corner of the garage, he slipped his hands into his pockets. “I get her once a month so she can kick my ass at bowling.”
I frowned briefly then nodded, understanding what he was saying. This was his acceptance of me being a solid fixture in his daughter’s life.
“That’s doable.” He rolled his shoulders back and peered at me sternly.
“I wasn’t asking, son.”
“Understood.” I smirked and extended a hand which he accepted and shook, sealing our unspoken agreement that I was taking on the role of the man in his daughter’s life. Kevin was also letting it be known that whatever happened between Saniya and me, success or failure, he would be here for her. Whether that be to celebrate our happiness or pick up the pieces if I fucked this up.
He moved closer and clasped me on the shoulder once more, smiling amusedly. “So I hear you and I share something in common.”
“What’s that?”
“Our kids having the ability to humble us when it comes to athleticism.”
I barked a laugh, thinking about how terrible my game was today with miniature golf. “Yeah, and that’s a very humbling experience.”
He nodded, heading to the door to enter the house. “Depends on how you look at it, son. The time together and memories far outweigh my ability to break one hundred against my daughters. I’ll gladly take that L for what I get in return.”
I had to agree. Spending time with Raiden, no matter the activity or outcome, was damn sure worth any L I would suffer.
As soon as we were inside, he stopped just beyond the door. “How are you with bowling? I’m fairly decent with a golf club. Maybe between the two of us, we can soften the blow of those Ls we’re subjecting ourselves to.”
I laughed lightly. “I’m decent. Maybe we can.”
“Good, good. Sounds like a plan.”
By the time we made it back to the kitchen, Audra had containers with birthday cake packed and ready to take with us. She also made sure to let me know she added extra for Raiden. I appreciated the consideration. I thanked her parents for including me tonight and we said our goodbyes so we could be back to my place before ten. Yet another reminder that my life wasn’t my own. This fucking curfew was annoying as hell but the alternative was worse. I didn’t know how the hell I would survive these restrictions for the next five years but it wasn’t like I had a choice.
When we arrived backat my apartment, Tali gave us the rundown then was out the door to meet some woman he’d recently met. After checking on Raiden, who was fast asleep, I had Saniya trapped between my body and the wall just outside my bedroom. As much as I wanted her to stay, she kept insisting it wasn’t a good idea.
“I should leave,” she moaned into my mouth while my tongue greedily attacked hers.
“Nah, you should take these off.”
“That’s not a good idea or I’ll never get out of here.”
“Who said you were going anywhere?”
Saniya smiled but didn’t stop me when I tugged at her shirt and helped her out of it. Her jeans were next to go.
“I’m not staying. There’s only one bed and we’re not putting your son on the couch. It’s bad enough I stole his time tonight.”
I yanked my shirt off, then removed my jeans. “You didn’t steal his time. He gave me up when the offer of tattoos was placed on the table.”
“He can have the bed. We’ll sleep on the couch.”
I brushed my thumb over her lips at the same time my other hand slipped into her panties and I stroked my fingers over her pussy.
I smiled in confidence when she moaned her approval and her lids fluttered closed.