“Was I fast?”
“You were the fastest one out there. Do you want to see? I have a video.”
“Yes, let me see.” He pushed away from Grand when I held up my phone. He bounced in place until I pulled up the clips and his smile was beautiful. “Can I show this to my nana?”
“I’ll send it to your dad so he can share it.”
“I can watch it on my iPad too.”
He handed my phone back, and for the millionth time today, he slid his palm into mine. When my eyes lifted to his father’s, I communicated the same message he confirmed with me. “I want this too.”
I had no idea what to expect when it came to a birthday dinner with Saniya’s family but it damn sure wasn’t pizza, wings, and multiple decks of cards. We spent the night in battles with Uno, Spades, Twenty-one, and the current challenge, War. The final hand of the evening was between Saniya and her father. While they laughed and taunted each other, intensely going at it over a game of chance, I sat on the sofa enjoying the unguarded way she existed.
This was her family, her safe space. A place where she could be herself uninhibited. Watching Saniya with her family proved that everything I was feeling was legitimate. She was completelyexposed and still the same person I had been falling for over the past couple months.
There was nothing about her actions that made me believe I hadn’t experienced the purest form of this woman. She had exposed her true self freely which sealed the deal. If I was offering my true self, I had to receive the same in return. Seeing Saniya tonight with her family proved there were no pretenses. No performances with this woman. Simply the woman I wanted a future with. Being here together also fucking crushed me in some ways because Aleah’s family should have loved her the same way.
“She’s a daddy’s girl.” The spot next to me on the sofa sank and I glanced to my left to find Audra, Saniya’s mother, next to me, cuffing a mug of something steamy. I could smell the honey and lemon and assumed it was tea.
“I see that.” I turned my attention back to Saniya and her dad. Both had massive smiles on their faces while they slapped cards down on the table. Sameena filled the chair between them with her knees pulled into her chest while she hyped them both, remaining neutral as to who she was truly rooting for. It brought another smile to my face before I focused on Audra again.
“And as much of a daddy’s girl as she may be, she never seems to let his love guide her choice with men.”
I kept my expression neutral and nodded but didn’t say anything. She kept talking. “Is this temporary?”
I shook my head and she sighed.
“I didn’t think so.”
“Would you prefer that we were temporary?” I asked, not that I gave damn what she preferred. I wanted something serious with her daughter and any conflicts she harbored with my wants wouldn’t change my mind.
“I would prefer that she fall in love with a man who won’t break her heart. One who will love Saniya the way her fatherloves me.” She lifted the mug, took a cautious sip while watching her husband and daughter, then turned her eyes on me. “You love your son, correct?”
We’d discussed Raiden briefly but not beyond surface details.
“If you feel his well-being is threatened, you would do anything in your power to ensure his safety, wouldn’t you?”
I frowned, trying to see where the hell this was going.
“This is me protecting my baby.”
“If you’re protecting her, you feel I’m a threat.”
She smiled. “You’re definitely a threat. Saniya invited you in which means she’s vulnerable to you and your actions. As for whether or not you’ll do damage remains to be seen. I don’t care about your past, Grand. We are not the sum total of our life choices. I’ve had a few missteps in life. I’m sure every living person has. Now your future with her? That’s another story altogether. She’s happy. If you can’t promise at least the effort to ensure she remains that way; then you should leave because she won’t.”
“What makes you think she won’t?”
“I know my daughter and this, whatever this is between the two of you, is something new for Saniya. She wants it enough to ignore the signs if youdon’t.” Before I could respond, things erupted into a clamorous explosion of shouts and laughs between the three of them challenging the victory Kevin secured over his daughter. Audra vacated the spot beside me and joined them before Kevin pushed out of his chair and waved me over.
“As much as I’ve enjoyed my birthday, we’re not going to hold you guys too late. Come help me get this table and chairs back to the garage before you head out.”