Page 87 of Unlucky You


“That’s cute, Meen. I can’t even tell where the C was.”

“I know. It’s pretty, right?”

My sister held up her hand, admiring the new ink. I watched her through the screen of my phone, smiling like an idiot while she admired the tattoo. Tali had somehow transformed the C into a snake that circled her finger. The snake was weaved through rose petals that softened the image, making it appear delicate and feminine.

“It really is. I like it.”

“He said it’s a reflection of my venom and sweetness.” I barked a laugh and rolled my eyes. “Don’t sleep with him, Meen.That man wouldn’t know commitment if it slapped him in the face.”

She grinned. “I’m not. I meant what I said. Fuck boys are on pause indefinitely. But he’s cool people though. He took me to dinner after we finished and I made an appointment to get the one I’ve been wanting on my foot done next week.”

I groaned. “Meen…”

“Stop all that. It’s not like that for real. That man is a certified dick slinger. I’m not taking it there. We’re just cool and since you’re dating his cousin, by default we’ll have to see each other, so it makes sense for us to at the very least be cordial.”

“Nah, don’t be shit with that muthafucker. I don’t want to be in the middle of that shit because I’ll feel obligated to right his wrongs.” Grand leaned over the back of the sofa, speaking to my sister before he kissed my shoulder and headed to his bedroom.

“Y’all are too cozy, Ny.”

“Why wouldn’t we be?”

“I’m here for it. I just hope he acts right or we’ll be pulling up on him like we did Clue yesterday.”

“The only time she’ll have to pull up on me is when she misses me and barely then because I won’t give her enough space to not feel my presence.” Grand was back but this time he filled the spot next to me and dropped a pair of Nikes on the floor.

“Okay, sir. Affirmations and solidarity.”

He grinned and leaned back once he had his shoes on. “I’m a man of action.”

“Time will tell but let me go so I can start figuring out my life. If I don’t find a job like yesterday, I’m going to be homeless.”

“You will never be homeless, Meen.”

“Aww booski, thank you. I pray it doesn’t come to that because your place is small as shit.”

I reared my head back. “Girl, I most definitely was not talking about you moving in with me. If you can’t pay your bills, you can move back home. Mom and Dad would welcome you with open arms.”

“Oh hell nah.” She frowned hard and I laughed.

“Why not?”

“Their house, their rules.”

“My house, my rules,” I countered.

“True but your rules don’t mean shit and theirs are archaic. What twenty-six year old has a ten o’clock curfew?”

“One that can’t pay their bills and lives with their parents.”

“Yeah, no.” She rolled her eyes. “Let me go find some gainful employment ASAP.”

“Yeah you do that but I’ll call you later. We’re about to head out.”

“Wait, what time are you coming tonight?”

“Coming to what?” I frowned at the same time Grand looked up from his phone.