“It’s not like you care, so why the fuck bring it up?”
“Because I can.” She smirked right before someone knocked on her door. I glanced over my shoulder to find the guy whoescorted me to her office throwing up his hand, offering a thumbs up. “He’s clean.”
Another scowl was on her face when she nodded. I didn’t know why her dumb ass thought I would be stupid enough to use, knowing she was on my ass to either get some dick or make me suffer because I refused her. At this point I wouldn’t smoke so much as a gotdamn ham until I was off parole.
“Can I go?”
“No, sign this first.”
“Sign what?”
“This stating that I advised you the certificate of completion for your mandatory anger management classes was received and added to your file.”
It surprised the shit out of me that she sent it. I was waiting for someone to tell me I had to start over after the way I’d left things.
I leaned forward and grabbed the pen, scribbling my name on the paper. “Let me get a copy of that.”
“For what?”
I gave her a deadpan expression and she rolled her eyes. I didn’t fucking trust her. Anything that challenged my freedom, I wanted copies for safe keeping. She jerked out of her chair and stormed to the door. When she returned, she dropped a paper in my lap.
“You can go now.”
I grinned, shaking my head. “You really that mad that I won’t fuck you?”
Her eyes darted past me to the door and I smiled wider. “So you’re worried about somebody hearing that you’re thirsty for dick but you’re not worried about pulling up at my place demanding that I let you sit on mine. You’re wild.”
Her eyes narrowed but she didn’t say a word. I chuckled and headed to the door. “You be easy.”
“You stay drug-free and make curfew because you never know who’s watching.”
I walked out of her office once again pissed that I had to survive this shit for five fucking years.
When I enteredTali’s room at the shop, he was at his desk, head bent over his sketchpad but he lifted his eyes and glanced past me expecting to see Saniya and her sister.
“They’re not with me. She just texted and said they’ll be pulling up in a minute.”
I crossed the room and stopped behind him to see what he was working on. The piece was a lock and key. Tali was talented as hell so the shading and detail made the image look three dimensional. He had initials on the lock that mirrored the ones on the key. It was definitely something a couple would get. I immediately thought about Saniya. She had a few pieces but each one was simple. A rose on her ankle, a sunflower inside her wrist, and the words never settle in script on the outside of her thumb.
“Who’s that for?”
“Nobody, I’m just playing around with something.”
“I fuck with it.”
He leaned back, tapping the end of his pencil on the sketchpad. “You want it?”
“That’s a couple’s tattoo.”
“You’re all in love and shit now. You might be next in my chair. Got me canceling appointments to fit your girl's sister in.”
I smirked. “I didn’t ask you to cancel a damn thing.”
“But you knew I was gonna move some shit around to get it done because it wasyouasking.”
I did.
When I made the call it was as good as done but I also understood inking was how he paid his bills. So if he couldn’t fit her in today, I would have been cool with him working her in whenever he could.