Page 67 of Unlucky You

“He’s a ten outta ten, Ny, and you already admitted the sex is double that, so what’s the problem?”

“He’s not exactly available and I don’t know that he ever will be.”

“Oh shit, are you creeping?”


“You must be if he’s unavailable.”

“Emotionally unavailable,” I admitted. “Remember when I said his life was complicated?”

She nodded while I climbed off the bed, lifted my iPad from the dresser, and pulled up one of the articles I’d found about Grand. I handed it over and sat cross-legged, hugging the pillow while she read and swiped.

“Well damn. That’s definitely complicated.” She frowned and kept reading. After a few minutes she dropped the iPad next to her and her eyes were on me. “He just got out?”

I nodded. “So emotionally unavailable because of his son’s mother?”


“But y’all are fucking?”

I shrugged and she stared at me silently for a minute then shook her head. “Leave him alone.”

“I tried.”

“That shit right there is not going to end well. You’re already invested, and if all he’s offering you is sex, you’re gonna get hurt, Ny. The only time you do detached is whenyouare the one detached.”

“We’re just…”

“Chillin’. That’s what he’s saying but not what your heart is screaming right now.”

“And what is my heart screaming?”

“That you’re already more invested in him than he is in you.”

I rolled my eyes. “How do you figure I’m more invested?”

“Just like you know me, I know you. You’re in deep, sis, which isn’t your style. I don’t know what’s different about him but something is definitely different. This isn’t just chillin’ for you, and if all he’s offering is dick, then leave him alone.” She crawled across the bed and kissed my cheek. “I have to go.”

She was gone and I was left with the harsh reality that even if I wasn’t more invested in Grand than he was in me, I was invested. I also wasn’t going to leave him alone. So if things ended badly and I got hurt, the only person I could blame was myself for not being smart enough to stay away.

“Stay close.”

Grand had my hand in his and walked slightly in front of me toward the crowd, but a gentle tug granted me his eyes over a shoulder. “What’s up?”

“Should I be worried that you want me close?”

His smile was threatening in the best kind of way when he turned back to me. His hands found my waist and jerked my body into his. “Do I need to remind you of what having me close feels like?”

I groaned deep in my throat at the feel of him, thick and hard, pressed into my stomach. “No, but that’s not what you mean. You were warning me.”

He hooked my chin and dropped his mouth to mine, speaking against my lips. “Things can get a little wild. There’s a lot of money exchanging hands.”

“Got it.”

We were moving again. Grand shouldered through the sea of bodies using his to shield my path until we reached the clearing. There were cars and bikes parked in rows and groups with bodies posted up near them or on them. A chaotic blend of music, voices, and engines revving blended rhythmically, solidifying the vibe as to why everyone was here.

Someone called out to Grand and I followed the direction, recognizing the man I had seen a handful of times. His eyes were on me while a smirk played at his lips when we were heading in his direction. Dark jeans, black biker boots, and a black leather jacket covered his tall, lean frame. As soon as we were closeenough, he lifted from a bike and approached, locking his arms over his chest.