Page 66 of Unlucky You

He smirked sexily. “We’re definitely starting those today, but nah that’s not why I asked. Tali’s racing tonight and asked if I would pull up.”

“What kind of races?”

“Shit… bikes, cars, anything he can be reckless with.”

“Do you race?”

“I haven’t in a long time but I support him.”

“You want me to go?”

“It doesn’t start until midnight. So if you’re cool being out that late, then yeah, I want you to go.”

“I’m down.”

“Aight, I’m about to get Raiden inside to spend some time with him before I head home. How late will your sister be there?”

“Not sure, why?”

“We can start those riding lessons before we head to the races.” The low rasp of his voice had my stomach flipping in anticipation.

“Daddy, look. It’s Saniya’s new boyfriend and he’s going to teach her how to ride.”

I turned, trying to figure out when my sister had ended up behind me, and I all but died when I heard my father’s voice.

“Boyfriend. This is the first I’ve heard of a boyfriend.”

I glared at my sister over my shoulder and seriously considered snatching the phone from her hand which was still on FaceTime with our father who now had a clear view of my phone which put Grand in his line of sight.

“Me too. Looks like she’s keeping secrets from both of us.”

I glared at my sister who smirked and shrugged when my eyes narrowed more. “Who’s this boyfriend, Saniya?”

“Can we not right now?”

“If he’s really your boyfriend, I want to meet him,soon.”


I shot my sister an evil glare, and she walked off to my bedroom, before I gave Grand my attention.

“Sorry about that.”

His expression was relaxed, which I was grateful for. “It’s cool. I kinda threw my son at you.”

“You didn’t throw him at me. You asked. Meen did not. I might have to skip tonight. I quite possibly may be busy strangling my sister,” I groaned and he laughed lightly

“I don’t have siblings but I have Tali. He’s damn near just as close so I get it. I’ll let you deal with her and will shoot you a text when I’m heading your way.”

By the time I wrapped up the call with Grand, Sameena was no longer speaking to my father. So I rushed the bed, straddled her waist before she could process what I was doing, and smothered her with a pillow.

She yelped and bucked me off her, grinning as she rolled away from me and sat up, raking her fingers through her braids. “When are you going to let Daddy meet him?”

“I don’t know if he will.” I rolled over onto my back and shoved the pillow I used on Sameena under my head.

“Why not?”

I blinked at the ceiling a few times before I turned my head toward her. “We’re not there and I don’t think we ever will be.”