We’re chillin…
But the next one that followed did.
And if I’m only chillin with you, you’re only chillin with me
I loved the message and locked my phone, but not fast enough. My nosy ass sister was grinning as she stepped from behind me holding a tumbler that matched the one now sitting on the table next to me.
“You have a man and you didn’t tell me.”
“He’s not my man.”
“He’s definitely your man. Your fingers were moving fast as hell when that ‘play with me if you want and I’ll stop fucking you’ text came through.”
Okay, so she’d pretty much read the entire conversation.
“So you just said fuck privacy?”
“Girl, you’re my sister. Nothing about your life is private when it comes to me.”
“Only because you don’t understand boundaries.”
“I understand boundaries. I just don’t give a damn about yours, which should not be surprising since you know me better than anyone. So who is Grand?”
“My business.” I stood and stepped around my sister. “Can we eat now?”
“Ny, are you seriously not going to tell me?”
“Fine…” She fell in step with me as we left the lounge area and headed back to the locker room to get dressed since the café and nail salon were attached to the rear of the spa. Both provided access to customers who just wanted to utilize their services and not get the full pampering treatment. We could walk through the building to get to them, which worked in our favor.
After we ordered and were seated in a booth that provided a picturesque view of the lavish glass and wood design of their café, which was also decorated with lush greenery to provide a serene and relaxed atmosphere, my sister removed a phone from her purse, powered it on, and began tapping and swiping at the screen.
In casual conversation, we both gushed over our experience at Massage Elements with Sameena half-distracted with what she was doing on her phone until she finally grinned and slid the device across the table.
It only took me a few minutes to realize what the hell she had been doing for the past ten minutes and I could have strangled her.
“What the hell, Meen? Why are my texts on your phone?”
She lifted her raspberry lemonade and pinched the straw between her lips, sipping in an unbothered manner before she responded. “I have your cloud password.”
I quickly did a mental inventory and remembered getting locked out and using her iPad to login to reset my password. She must have saved my information.
“Why would you save my password?”
“You’ve known me my entire life. Are you seriously asking me that? The better question is why wouldn’t you just tell me you have a new boyfriend…”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Right, my bad…” She grinned. “You’re justchillin’.”
“You are unfucking believable.”
“I’m your baby sis. My sole purpose in life is to mind your business and since you didn’t want to willingly share, I used extreme measures to get the intel I needed. Technically my involvement in your business is your fault. You brought me into your sexcapades when you shared your location to have a dick appointment. One that apparently did not disappoint.”
“You sound like a crazy person. Like do you seriously hear yourself right now?” I grabbed the phone so I could delete my account from the device. “I’m removing my stuff and changing my password.”
“Relax, I have to erase it again anyway so I can turn that phone in when we leave here. That’s my old one, which was how I was able to download your stuff so quickly. I upgraded and don’t trust the process of mailing it back so those stupid ass people can act like they never got it and charge me for it.”