I lowered my eyes to the cup she was dangling between us.
“I might not have read the paperwork but my memory is good as fuck. Officers of the same sex are the only ones who can witness a urine test. Unless I’m confused, you don’t have a dick.”
“I can argue the test was warranted based on violation of parole. I’ll just report that I found drugs on the premises and was required to test you.”
“Bruh, are you fucking serious? You didn’t find a damn thing here but a dick that you want and can’t have. Search my entire place if you want to.”
“I’ve been working for the state for twelve years. My record is exemplary. You’re a felon. Who do you think they’ll believe? You might as well give me what I want. If not, I’ll have to make some notes to your file.”
I pushed my hand into my pocket, removed my phone and held it up. Her eyes shifted to the device and I noticed the second she realized what was going on.
“So, let me be clear. If I don’t fuck you, you will lie and say I’ve violated parole.”
She hesitated and tensed for a minute. “You can’t record me without my permission. Nobody is going to care about that.”
“Maybe not legally but the news loves shit like this and I would bet that the state isn’t going to risk their reputation by defending you.”
The way her expression shifted to anger had me believing she would keep pushing this but thankfully she did the right thing. For now…
“You’re taking the test.”
This bitch.
“Bet, let’s go, but you still ain’t watching.”
She rolled her eyes and shrugged, stepping forward. Her hand was on my dick before I could stop her and she squeezed firmly then patted the front of my jeans until I knocked her hand away.
“The fuck you doing?”
“I’m making sure you’re not hiding anything. I have the right to search you.”
“Let’s get this shit over with so you can get the fuck out of my apartment.”
She followed me to the bathroom, stood in the doorway. My back was to her but she could still see me at an angle. I knew her thirsty ass was watching. After I was done, I placed the lid on the cup and handed it over. When she reached to accept it, she pulled her hand back at the last minute and let it drop to the floor. Luckily it didn’t spill or I would have had another case on my record.
“The state appreciates your cooperation. Have a good night, Mr. Sinclair.” She flashed a smile, stepped into the hallway, and made her way to the door. I followed to make sure she was gone, locked my door, headed to the bathroom to dispose of what she left and wash my hands so I could try to calm the fuck down.
I had to get the money up to pay off this damn fine so I could be done with this parole shit or I was going to lose my mind and my patience.
For the past four days I had done my best to keep my mind focused on anything that would keep my thoughts distracted and occupied, and not onhim, but failed miserably. I accepted three jobs but each one was a temporary fix. Once I packed up my camera and was heading home, I was lost in my thoughts again.
One man and one very unforgettable night consumed my thoughts to the point of obsession. Each one of those nights ended with me sitting at The Pit nursing a glass of rum I had no intention of drinking, while I watched the door ,hoping the next person who entered would be Grand.
Never happened and now I was on day four of trying to be distracted but this time I decided to stop pretending that I didn’t want answers he refused to give and I had no business wanting.
It was just after midnight and I was supposed to be editing photos from my last job at Massage Elements. They were updating the site and needed new photos. When she showed me the previous ones, I completely understood why she wanted a do over. The photographs captured the space in a way that offered very little insight on how beautiful the décor truly was. I would be earning the money they were paying me because she was going to lose her mind when I handed over my images.
If I could focus long enough to get them edited.
Instead of tackling the task, I found myself typing the name Grand Sinclair into my search field. It took me a minute to find what I needed but after a few clicks I found a link to an article on WDFT News 11 which had me leaning in closer to the screen as I devoured the words, cataloging certain ones that stuck with me.
Aleah Johnson.
Young mother.