Page 43 of Unlucky You

“What up, cuz?”

Something in me relaxed when his voice flowed through the line. My first thought was if they followed me, they followed Tali. Thinking of last night shifted my thoughts to Saniya and I tensed again. They could have followed her too. The best way to control people was to seek out the people they cared about.

“Nothing, you good?”

“I’m not the one who was taking body blows last night. I’m straight, fam. You good?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Spent the day with Raiden.” I lifted my eyes to the rearview and smiled before I started my car.

“That’s why your ass sounds stressed. I know he had you on go all damn day.”

I smirked and nodded before I backed out of the spot I was in and navigated out the parking lot.

“Yeah, he took full advantage. I’m not gonna complain though. I owe him years. This is one day.”

“I feel you.” I was appreciative that he didn’t argue the point or try to justify why I hadn’t been around. No one could justify what I felt I owed my son.

“You in the shop tomorrow?”

“Nah, my schedule is open. You trying to get in my chair?”

“No, just wanted to make sure you were good after the shit from last night.”

“Is there a reason why I wouldn’t be?”

I probably should have told him about one of Rix’s people pulling up on me but I planned on handling it. If I couldn’t, I would fill him in. So for now, I kept it simple.

“No, everything’s good. I’m not going back so there’s nothing to be worried about.”

“You sure.”

“Yeah, I’m sure, but let me get Raidy back to my place. I’ll hit you up tomorrow.”

“Aight, do that.”

I ended the call and made another one.

“I see you got my message.”

His fucking tone was too smug, but I kept mine level. “A man who doesn’t keep his word is not a man, Rix. Is that the type of reputation you want?”

“I don’t give a fuck about other’s opinions of me. What I do care about is my money and you stole from me.”

“I didn’t steal from you. We had a deal. I honored my end. Are you refusing to honor yours?”

“You walked out of there, didn’t you?”

I snorted in annoyance. “Then stop fucking calling me.”

“You owe me fights. Pay up and I’ll stop calling.”

“I don’t owe you shit.”

“For that kind of money you do. Three more fights and we’re done.”

“I’m not giving you any more fights. I told you the first day that this was temporary.”

“You need the money or you would have never stepped in the ring. Where else do you think you can make that kind of money with no risk?”