Page 33 of Unlucky You

“Nah, Grand. Fuck this. You’re not about to step in there for three fights. That’s nine rounds.”

I turned and delivered a look for Tali to shut the fuck up. His jaw flexed but he fell back.

“What’s it going to be?”

“I’m not giving you ten grand. You want to walk.” He shrugged and lifted the drink. “Then walk. Your loss, not mine.”

I smirked because he was full of shit. He wanted me in all three fights because he knew I would have to fight back ,which meant the people who showed tonight would get the show they were paying top dollar to witness. There was no way for me to survive nine rounds without putting up a fight or one of these guys would likely kill me. Rix had peeped what I was capable of. Luckily, I was smarter than he was giving me credit for. I would also win which meant he could wager bets and make even more money.

We engaged in a standoff until I lifted my chin and stepped away. “Tali, let’s go.”

I turned to leave, and before I could create any real distance between us, Rix folded. “Fine, ten grand but you better fucking earn it. None of that shit from the last time.”

I glanced his way and angled my head to the side. “Price just doubled. You want me in the ring tonight, it’s going to cost you twenty.”

“I’m not paying you twenty thousand dollars.” His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. I walked back to him and pulled his card.

“You showed your hand. You assumed I would be so desperate for the money that I would do anything to get it, which means you counted on me agreeing to whatever terms you threw at me. I’m not that fucking desperate and you’re not that great of a businessman. You banked on me fighting. If I don’t, you can’t replace me. There’s no one here tonight that can survive all three fights and make it to the last one to be worth watching. You want me, it’s going to cost you twenty grand and another five because you thought I was that fucking stupid.”

He glared, fisting the glass he was holding so tightly I was surprised it didn’t shatter. When he took too long, I hit him with the same line he gave me. “Your loss…”

“Rix, we getting started or what?” One of his guys walked up with his brows pinched, eyes bouncing between us.

“Yeah, give me a minute. We’re negotiating the terms.”

The guy frowned hard, glaring at me before nodding and walking away. I could imagine he wasn’t used to Rixnegotiatingwith anyone. I almost fucking laughed. Rix wasn’t used to that shit either.

“Twenty-five and you better fucking earn every penny.”

I moved forward until I towered over him and dropped my chin. “There ain’t a damn thing in life Ibetterdo except stay Black and check muthafuckers like you who underestimate me.”

“Yeah, I mean at least give them their money’s worth.”

I smirked and nodded. “Let me change and you pay before I fight.”

He barked a laugh and my expression didn’t change. “You’re serious?”

“Give it to Tali, have your guys watch him if you don’t trust that he’ll hang around. Deal is I fight for twenty-five grand. If I agree, I don’t have a choice but to get in that ring. You, on the other hand, can fuck me over. Pay in advance or I don’t fight.”

“My guys can hold the money…”

I shook my head. “You don’t expect me to believe they won’t fuck me over on your behalf, now do you?”

He ground his back teeth so damn hard I would bet them bitches cracked some. “Fine but if you try anything stupid, they will shoot first. There won’t be any questions asked.”


I walked away and Tali didn’t say a word until we were in the bathroom we passed in the hallway on the way in. Whatever argument he was about to present, I didn’t want to hear. My mind was made up.

“I hope you plan on knocking muthafuckers out as soon as they step to you.”


“Come the fuck on. I know your head ain’t right but that’s a suicide mission. You think he’s about to hand over twenty-five grand for three fights.”

“Either he does or I don’t get in the ring.” I yanked the hoodie over my head and tossed it to Tali.

“That’s a lot of money.”