Page 26 of Unlucky You


“Fam, you can’t rock my ink and pout like a little kid. You have to pick a lane. You a man or what?”

He stuck his chest out and nodded. His eyes discreetly lifted to me to make sure I wasn’t disappointed and I chuckled when he jutted his chin and asserted his position. “I’m a man.”

“Alright then. Let me get it.” Tali extended a closed fist to him. When Raiden met it with his, Tali yanked him into a hug. “I love you, you know that right?”

“Yeah I know.”

“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”

“Daddy, can we have burgers?” Raiden held my hand like it was the most natural thing in the world and began telling me about how he didn’t like cheese on his burger but he loved macaroni and cheese. I laughed at how much he was like his mother with certain things. I was grateful because I would experience a small part of her through him. It wasn’t the same, would never be enough, but it was something.

“Ay, Grand…” We were halfway down the hall when I heard Tali’s voice. I glanced over my shoulder to find him leaning against the wall outside his tattoo room.

“That’s a good look for you. A real good look.”

I glanced at Raiden and offered a nod. Raiden was the only thing I did right in my life and I would make sure I kept doing right by him.

“Daddy,can we eat here? My nana won’t mind because then we won’t make a mess in the kitchen.”

Raiden scrunched his face as he skipped beside me. Once again his hand was in mine like he needed the connection. I needed it too so I damn sure didn’t mind. I often wondered if he resented the fact that I hadn’t been in his life but it seemed whatever void he felt, my son made peace with and was accepting that I was here now. He never brought it up, so neither did I.

When we reached the door to Sweet Auburn, I pulled it open and let him go first. He tugged me forward, not letting go of my hand until he was inside. The last time I had been at Sweet Auburn Bar & Grill was to pick up wings for Aleah. My chesttightened a little but I pushed the memory to the back of my mind.

“Pick a table.” I motioned to the open space. It was almost seven, so the crowd was pretty thick, but there were several open tables.

“I want to sit over there.” Raiden pointed to the bar and I quickly shook my head. I didn’t want him in the mix of people drinking. Half the bar was already littered with patrons who had beers and liquor in front of them.

“How about we pick a table instead?”

“But Daddy…” Fuck! This kid was going to challenge my restraint and end up getting whatever he wanted from me.

“If you want to sit at the bar, I’m gonna need to see some ID. That’s where the grown men have their dinner.” I frowned when a guy wearing black on black kneeled in front of Raiden. He had Wolf Warriors MC spread across the back of his t-shirt. Wolf Warriors owned Sweet Auburn. I was familiar with the organization but didn’t know any of the members personally. Tali and I had been to the lounge a handful of times. I’d seen Padre, their president, once or twice, so I recognized him.

“I don’t have one, but my daddy does and I have a tattoo like my daddy.”

I laughed, shaking my head, and Padre grinned. “Well let me see your ink and you might get a pass.”

Raiden pulled his lip between his teeth and yanked at the sleeve of his jacket, exposing the design Tali drew on his forearm. An array of lines that combined my name and his.

“That’s some pretty nice ink you got there. Best I’ve seen in a while.”

My little man’s face split into a grin. “My cousin Tali did it. He did my daddy’s too.” He jerked his head back and smiled up at me. “Daddy, show him yours.”

Padre extended to his full height, waiting, but I knew it was just to entertain Raiden. He didn’t give a shit about my ink. I tilted my head to the side and he nodded before lowering his eyes to Raiden and lifting him by the waist, planting him on the stool closest to him. “I guess that qualifies you to sit at the bar, kid.”

“Daddy, come on.” He waved me over.

“Cute kid. Y’all enjoy.”

“Thank you.” I tossed my chin, feeling a sense of pride before I filled the spot next to Raiden.

“Burger and fries?”

“Yep and no cheese but you can have cheese if you want. Nana does.”

I chuckled as his little brows pinched like he was deep in thought. “She likes ketchup on her fries too and I don’t. Do you like ketchup?”