“That’s my daddy…” Raiden whined. When I stepped onto the curb, all eyes were on me as the man gently shoved my son behind him.
“Sir, I’m gonna need you to get back in your vehicle.”
“Then move the fuck out the way so my son can do the same.”
“Sorry, I can’t do that. If you return to your vehicle we can check your…”
“Grand Sinclair. Check your list,” I growled, feeling all eyes on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a security guard approaching but I didn’t give a damn.
The guy fumbled with the iPad in his hand and swiped nervously before pecking the screen. When he lifted his eyes and tilted his head up, I knew what he found. My gotdamn name.
“Raiden, get in the car…” I demanded and kept my eyes on him at the same time I removed my wallet and my license.
I knew the deal. He wasn’t going to take my word for it. When Raiden jolted around him, hurrying to the passenger side of my car, I extended my license, which he only glanced at then tucked the iPad to his chest.
“My apologies, Mr. Sinclair. We’ve never seen anyone but his grandmother. You won’t have any more issues picking Raiden up. But just in case you weren’t aware of the rules, parents remain in their vehicles at all times. It’s a safety precaution, not just for your son but the other children as well.”
I took a step forward and dipped my chin to level my eyes with his since he was a few inches shorter. “And is you putting your hands on my son a precaution too?” He jutted his chin and rolled his shoulders back.
“When a parent breaks the rules, yes. Our priority is the safety of our students. Again, I apologize.”
I lowered my eyes with a warning glare. “Don’t put your fucking hands on my son, ever. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
I stepped away and got back into my car, noticing the crazed looks from other parents in the pickup line. I didn’t say a word because I didn’t fucking care about their opinions. Instead I got in and turned to the back seat where Raiden was sitting. He offered a goofy smile when he buckled his seatbelt.
“Nana didn’t tell me you were coming to get me.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise.”
He wrinkled his nose. “Are they gonna let you come back?”
I pulled away from the curb and glanced at him in the rear view. His eyes were there, hopeful and waiting.
“Yeah they are, don’t worry about that.”
“Good…” He beamed. “I want you to come get me all the time.”
I chuckled. “Maybe not all the time but as much as I can.”
“Because you have to work?” His little brows pinched. “Nana said I can’t live at your house until you get a job. I want to live at your house, but I want to stay with Nana sometimes too. She’ll be alone if I live at your house all the time.”
How the hell was he processing all this? I had a lot to learn about my son. He was smart and kind but that was due to my mother. She was raising him right.
“Your nana is right. I have to have a job so I can take care of both of us, then you can come stay with me.”
“But you have a house now. Why can’t I stay now?”
“I only have one bed, Raidy.”
“I can sleep in your bed with you. It’s okay if I don’t have my own bed right now.”
“We’ll see, but I want you to have your own. You deserve that.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “But I can come sometimes to your house, right?”