Page 20 of Unlucky You

“Saniya, you there?”

I frowned, nodding. “Yep, I’m here, Joe. Just letting you get your pitch out of the way so I can shoot you down for the millionth time. But you’re right, you will never stick me in an office or stifle my freedom because I’m never accepting.”

“What if I sweeten the pot? I can add a little extra on the bottom line.”

“It’s not about money. I don’t want to be attached to anyone.”

“You’re taking this nomad thing a little too far. Everybody needs somebody, Saniya.”

I smirked. “That might be true, but you’re trying to hire me, not wine and dine me.”

He chuckled. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah I do and the answer is still no.”

He huffed through his irritation. Joe wanted the bragging rights of saying I was attached to Inside Track as more than just a freelancer. That wasn’t happening. “Fine, then just tell me why none of the shots you sent me are of Grand.”

My fingers stilled over the mouse and I shifted in my seat. “Who’s Grand?”

I played it cool.

“From what I hear, the reason why the winnings reached six figures on Friday and might even get as high as seven if he keeps winning.” My eyes expanded at the thought of that much money exchanging hands from men brutally beating each other, only focusing again when I realized why Joe wanted me on this. “They’re already whispering about him. The guy is an enigma. Skilled but raw talent. Why the hell would anyone waste that type of talent? He was there last night. He fought yet I have no visual proof.”

“I thought you didn’t know much about this. Sounds to me like you do.”

“I never said I didn’t know much about it. I said I wanted to be the first to publish before any of these guys made it big. Whoever this Grand guy is… there’s a story there. I want it.”

I frowned at the phone. “I sent you what I have. I don’t know who…”

“As much as I appreciate what you sent, none of those shots are of Grand, and after the buzz surrounding him last night,he’smy story.”

“If you don’t know the guy, then how do you know he’s not who I sent photos of?”

“Because… I have a few shots of him…”

“Then why send me there if you already had what you needed, and before you answer, be mindful that I’m already not feeling that you lied to me.”

“I didn’t lie. I told you there’s a lot of raw talent there and I want to be on the breaking edge of their career before they make it big. I want the exclusive. You have no idea how much money can be attached to the careers of guys like him. After one fight, there are already rumors circulating that he can be somethinggreat. He’s got a story. A good one and I want it because no matter what that story is, someone’s going to eventually offer him a deal he can’t refuse.”

“Then why not just tell me you were looking for him specifically.”

“Because I didn’t know there was ahim. I only knew the place breeds raw talent. You’re good, Saniya. I didn’t have to give you direction. The way you work means you wouldn’t miss the opportunity to capture a diamond in the rough. I was counting on it and wanted you to shoot the fighters in only the way you can. Had I told you what I wanted, you would have delivered, but it wouldn’t have been pure and unbiased. I didn’t know about Grand until this morning when photos leaked. They’re careful with access.”

So you used me.

“I guess you’ll just have to stick with the photos you already have…”

“That won’t work. They’re not good enough. A few candid shots from phones in the dimly-lit room is nothing compared to what I know you can do. Nothing like what you have.”

“What makes you think I have anything at all?”

He chuckled. “Like I said, Saniya. I hiredyoufor a reason. You don’t think I have a list full of photographers who I could have paid half as much to handle this for me?”

“But there was also the chance that they wouldn’t have found a way inside. I have more connections.”

“Yeah that too. but either way, you’re killing my pockets, kid. Name your price. I need those shots and just so you know, I don’t appreciate you trying to strongarm me.”

Was he serious right now?