“I heard about you in there. Not much has changed. You’re gonna win because that’s who you are and I’ll be there.”
“One condition.”
“What’s that?”
“Fifteen percent of what I win is yours.”
“I don’t want your money, Grand.”
“You were here when I couldn’t be. I need to do this.”
He looked away and nodded. “Okay, I fuck with that. When?”
“Friday at ten.” I dug my phone out of my pocket and handed it over. “New number, save yours and I’ll let you know where to meet me.”
He typed his number in and handed the phone back. “I’m about to head out. Got a few things to get into before I headhome.” The way he grinned I knew what those things were. Women.
“Unless you wanna roll.”
I shook my head. “Nah, I’m good.”
His expression was grim before he moved away from his car and pulled me into a hug, clasping his fist against my back. “I’m glad you’re home, cuz.”
“Shit me too.” I chuckled and he stepped back.
“I’m out. Friday.”
I tossed my chin as he disappeared into his car and backed out the driveway. After one last look at my mother’s house, I got in my Charger and was on my way home. I wanted my son with me, but I had a lot to get right before that could happen. Tonight I planned on downing a few drinks in a crowded place to drown out the thoughts in my head. The ones that haunted me night after night. Then maybe I could get some sleep.
Saniya Montgomery.
“It’s late, Joe.”
“Well hello to you too, Saniya.” I glanced at the time on the Mac screen that illuminated the room to gauge how late it was.
“My manners expire at midnight.”
Joe chuckled and I waited for him to get to the point. I was in the middle of responding to comments on my blog about the tutorial I’d posted a few days ago on capturing the perfect nature shot with natural lighting.
“I have something for you.”
“My schedule’s pretty full right now.”
“Your schedule’s always full.”
I grinned while I typed out a sincere thank you to one of the ladies who left a comment singing my praises for the free tutorials I posted monthly. The woman explained how photography was an escape turned passion, going into further detail about how she couldn’t afford formal training. That left her to rely on YouTube until she came across my blog. The step-by-step how-tos had given her more knowledge than anything she’d come across. My tutorials helped the woman land her first paid gig.
“Well, word on the street is that I’m pretty damn good so…”
“Not arrogant at all, are you, kid?”
“I’m twenty-eight Joe.”
“And I could be your father. Damn that sounds worse saying it out loud. Anyway, you’re a kid to me. Do you want to hear about the job or not?”