Page 65 of Of Blood and Smoke

Micha remained unaware I’d been asked to choose his bride, and I hadn’t noticed him being tracked by any of the Ancient’s spies. Eventually, I’d have to tell him what had been asked of me.

Gazing down at her with her hand on my forearm and dressed like the queen she was, filled my heart to bursting. Micha may complain, but there was nothing I loved more than hearing her laugh and seeing her happy.

Della was miraculous, so incredibly strong and loving despite the hardships life had thrown at her. She found joy in the little things, had an admirable work ethic and she put her family first. She wasn’t prone to disorder, and she took things in stride. How much better could it get? As I’d told her, she was made for me.

For a split second, I let my guard down to peek at her in her truest form. She was a sparkling and glowing vision, and I was besotted. Her aura drifted in her signature unique pastel tones, with tell-tale shades of fuchsia by her loins and a lighter pink around her heart and it was all forme.

I stopped in the middle of the back hallway, holding up the line and pulled her to me, grabbing her ass and pressing the length of my body flush with hers before I wrapped my hand around her neck and kissed her. I thrust my tongue in her mouth and feasted, licking, sucking, and nibbling on her lip until I heard Andy clear his throat and say, “There you guys are. I was looking for you.”

Della glanced up at me and bit her lip, her cheeks flushing, before she grabbed my hand. “Let’s go in,” she said.

Andy went to Ashley’s side and pressed a kiss on her forehead. Micha growled lightly but I was fairly certain I was the only one who heard it.

If he wanted Ashley, as I’d begun to suspect he did, it was all the more reason I’d stand my ground concerning Della. The Ancients knew how Micha and I felt about each other, and they’d be fools to try and take on both of us. The sense of duty I felt toward the Court tried to rear its ugly head, reminding me of my so-called responsibility and I pushed it back down. I wanted to enjoy the night, and my success.

“Go with Ashley, I’ll meet up with you in a moment,” I nodded toward the end of the hall and Della quickened her pace to join her friends. I waited until I spotted our employed guards following them.

Grabbing Micha’s shoulder, I blocked him. “Ashley?”

He shook his head. “I don’t like Andy, and she’s Della’s friend. Just asking for trouble. We must be mindful who is around us.” He pushed my hand away and brushed past me.

He had a point, with Andy and Brett being part of the same social circle as Della. I still needed to address the blackmail situation with the man, but Della had assured me her friend hadn’t been around for a while.

When I made my entrance, there was clapping but no photography. Cellphones and other devices had been claimed at the main entrance in keeping with Ipomoea’s strict policies. I walked to the front of the room where Micha and a select few of my company’s managers stood while scanning the crowd.

As I walked the perimeter, I sensed a change in the atmosphere and heard a mild commotion near the entryway. My superior hearing was the only reason I noticed the disturbance. A quick glance at Micha, and I knew he’d picked up on it as well. Security was doing its job, being discreet, and we would be unbothered.

Coming to a stop at the front of the room, I addressed the seated guests thanking them for their efforts and dedication and promising our continued success. A few members of the crowdstood and clapped, but the majority remained seated, clapping with polite enthusiasm, and raising their champagne glasses to a toast.

Della leaned over and pecked my cheek with a quick kiss when I joined her. “Good job,” she said, smiling at me. “I would’ve dropped in a faint.”

I chuckled. “I highly doubt that.” I squeezed her hand. “I have to go greet my guests and mingle.”

She followed me as I traversed the floor. Some invitees were still seated at the tables, but many were beginning to cluster into groups.

I found the CEO of a rival corporation, Mores, which had a promising branch focused on medications for mental illness. Alan Mores had founded the company when he was only twenty-one years old and now indulged in copious amounts of cocaine and thievery of intellectual property in addition to producing groundbreaking pharmaceuticals.

“Josiah,” he exclaimed, clasping my hand and shaking it a little too vigorously. “Well done, sir. I’ve heard good things.” He flicked a glance at Della and smiled. “Keeping him young, are you?”

Della’s forehead wrinkled in confusion for a brief moment. “Of course. Nice to meet you.”

We exchanged further pleasantries until Alan pulled a man into our fold. “Have you met Ilya? He’s the one heading up Fulgere Industries these days, you should see their marketing, use them. We do.”

It took me a quarter of a second to compose myself and let my mask fall into place. The man was demon royalty. I’d of course heard of the infiltration of the species here in the Third Realm, but I’d been such a recluse I hadn’t run into him. We nodded at each other but didn’t shake hands. Then he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“Gross,” I heard Ashley mumble from somewhere behind me.

The man took a long drag and blew a smoke circle her way before winking at her, giving me a long look, and then turning on his heel.

“Thinking about selling?” Alan asked, grinning ear to ear.

He wasn’t the first shark to sniff around for blood. I made a mental note to look for weaknesses in his company—with his habits, they were likely prolific. “No, but if I do, you’ll be the first I call.”

“You’re not serious, are you?” Della whispered as we walked away.

“Of course not. I’m going to buy him out.”

She looked up at me curiously. “Why?”