I’d heard the stories over the years of vampire and demon gods rebelling against the system and succeeding. If they’d found a way, I would, too.
Standing up, I cast my gaze around the room. I was sated, there was no need to feed anymore, but instinctually, I still hunted. Fresh blood and fear flavored the air, the combination working its addictive powers over me. Slowly, I stalked across the floor, eyeing the candidates one by one and watching them rein in their auras and temper their glowing eyes. The sole remaining witch attempted to hide her growing lust, and I smirked at her, shaking my finger. She shrunk backward, trying to hide in the potted ferns and dahlias.
I paid her no mind, allowing my demon side to imbibe on as much of the potent emotions suspended in the air as it desired. Finally, I took a deep breath, rebuttoned my suit coat, and spun on my heel.
“Thank you, ladies, for your time and attention” I said, and tipped my head to them.
As I stepped back out into the hallway, the physical relief that coursed through the crowd was a light breeze that ruffled my hair. The doors shut behind me and I began laughing, still high from my recreation, just as Ezra approached. Vernon was at his side.
I’d fully expected Vernon to have returned home to the mountains in the east, where he was known to have a compound. It was a surprise to me he’d remained.
“You look well-fed, Josiah,” Vernon eyed me solemnly. “We trust you found your options suitable?”
Dipping my head, I answered, “Yes, thank you. The finest quality.”
Ezra spoke next. “Whom have you selected for yourself and Micha?”
I bit my lip and glanced at the floor, shuffling my feet. “I’m afraid I got a little carried away. A clean-up crew would be useful before the room is available again.”
Ezra blinked at me before letting out a deep breath, his eyelids shuttering. “Josiah....”
Arranging my face into a sheepish expression, I said, “My deepest apologies, Sir. My only excuse is that I have become unused to such exquisite specimens.”
Vernon held his hand out toward the door and then dragged it down his face. “Two of the three witches. You do realize what you have done, don’t you?” His anger built. “They were irreplaceable; from families of the highest standing.”
If I had to guess, my assumption would be he’d remained behind for the witches. They might’ve been his wards, or he’d had other designs on them.
He lowered his voice and continued, “Those bloodlines are the only ones in existence to ever birthsources.”
I’d been unaware of that tidbit of information, regarding the two women I’d killed but I knew the demonic race were obsessed with obtaining a certain caliber of witch, referred to as a Source. They were said to be incredibly gifted and have the power to fundamentally change worlds or realms.
Vernon had just disposed of what the Ancients considered sacred knowledge, and I knew better than to remark upon orrepeat what he’d just given me. “My sincerest apologies, I was overwhelmed.”
Ezra shook his head at me. “Come, I will send in the wraiths. Creator knows the Lessers would gossip endlessly.”
Vernon cast me a glare as I walked by Ezra’s side. “I will take my leave and visit my parents shortly,” I stated. “I am looking forward to it, it's been much too long.”
“I am more than aware you are attempting to distract me. Your attempt to mislead is a grave dishonor. I will overlook your foolishness just this once as I am no stranger to the power of a beautiful creature, or to the hunger. But do not insult me by attempting to convince me you do not have more self-control than you do.”
Pressing my lips together, I avoided meeting his gaze. No one would touch me due to my association with the man and I wanted to maintain the advantageous relationship. Keeping my feelings quiet was a wise course of action.
We came to the entry of my suite, and I kept my head bowed slightly in deference. “Yes, my Lord.” I chose the more formal title in a desperate bid to placate the man.
“You may visit your parents but don’t fret, nothing has changed, and you will choose a suitable mate for yourself and Micha from our offerings.”
With my head bowed, I waited until my superior vanished around a corner in the distance before I entered my living quarters. My pleasant intoxication was thoroughly marred by the continued edict he’d handed me. I pulled my favored blade from my pocket and licked it clean before stowing it away again in the drawer.
I wasn’t going to do it—not to myself or to my friend. All it had taken was one taste of freedom and one glimpse of Della, and my decision had been sealed. There was no force in the universe that would sway me from my path. My ingrainedloyalty to the Court was a cancer I needed to root out completely if I were to have my way without injury.
If I had to leave the Second Realm awash in the blood and entrails of the Ancients, so be it. I would do so and feast on the carnage for eternity with Della seated right by my side.
I stopped to pluck a bouquet of Bloodmoon blossoms for my mother, much to the annoyance of a yellow feathered bird. It’d been so long since I’d indulged in anything so frivolous as to pick flowers, I’d forgotten the temperament of the tiny creatures. To add insult to injury, a small, chestnut-toned squirrel scampered up my shoulder to give me an earful and try to take a piece of the organ with him. I batted both of them away just to see a woman snickering at me from several feet ahead.
Traversing the path, I followed it out of the gardens and courtyard in a winding trail leading toward the large village that lay beneath the shadows of the palace.