Page 49 of Of Blood and Smoke

The suite I’d been appointed to while employed in the palace had been sumptuous, luxurious, and filled with amenities. It was the same one I’d been assigned to now, just freshened up with fruit and beverages.

Glasses decorated with garnets and rubies were provided along with multiple carafes of fresh blood, and an assortment of the finest liquors and wines.

An overflowing basket of deep, violet grapes and juicy pomegranates sat on an etched golden platter atop a low table placed between plump, cushioned couches. A fire roared in the hearth to my left and a sense of nostalgia filled me. Nothing much had changed here, over the years, and that was a comfort I could not easily disregard.

My home in the Third Realm was comparable in many ways but it wasn’thome. It didn’t contain the same spirit or atmosphere, the sense of belonging that enveloped me while I was here in the Second. Eventually, I’d be more comfortable, but that would take time, and somehow, Della.

As much as I tried to lie to myself and convince my soul I’d do the right thing, it was a foregone conclusion I’d disobeythose who ruled. The thought of my defiance grated against me, squirming under my skin and threatening to flay me alive, such was my ingrained loyalty. Gritting my teeth, I shoved the feeling down.

My heart wanted what it wanted, and it’d chosen the brunette beauty who was waiting for me back in the Third.

Was she waiting? I was certain I’d made my intentions clear to her, but humans could be obtuse and fickle.

I just had to get through the choosing ceremony and figure out a way to create the illusion I was cooperative and then go home and claim my bride for good.

Between Della and my company, Ipomoea, there was much to be done. Not wanting to wait any longer, I refreshed my appearance by showering and changing into a new set of clothing. I smoothed my hair back from my face, tucked it behind my ears, and examined my skin.

I hadn’t spent time in the Third Realm until recently and the atmospheric differences between there and here were obvious on my face. I looked more human than ever. Vampire DNA shared its cellular matter with humans in many ways, so it was relatively easy to blend in without any spell work or disguises. If anything, the contaminated air of the realm people referred to as earth had done me a favor. The finest of lines creased my forehead, giving me a more distinguished appearance. I probably looked to be around thirty-five years of age.

Satisfied, I exited my dressing room and went to a chest of narrow drawers. Lightly waving my fingers at the front panel, a flat shelf slid open, and my gaze dragged over my assortment of knives and other instruments. Blades, daggers, and other tools of the highest quality glittered back at me. I’d brought my favorites with me when I’d left, but I’d kept some choices pieces here for possible future use.

Gently, I lifted a razor thin, narrow stiletto from the bed of velvet and ran my finger along one side of the double edge. Like butter, it split the skin of my index finger, peeling back the flesh, curling it. The sweet twinge of pain was delayed, the blade too fine to let the corresponding sting hit immediately. When it arrived, my dick pressed against the zipper of my pants and an image of Della entered my vision, her back arched and her mouth gaping open in bliss while I drank from her.

Oh, the plans I have for you, my Little One...

I pocketed the blade and licked my finger and palm clean, instantly sealing the wound before I slid it inside the interior pocket of my suit coat.

At the last moment, I decided to embrace the more decadent side of my ancestry and added both a glittering tie pin studded with onyx and garnets and a pair of matching cufflinks to my outfit.

I would perform the ceremony, and then set an appointment with my parents. I had things to do.

Ezra spottedme in the entrance foyer. “Immaculate, as always. I always said it was such a shame I preferred women,” he practically drooled, his gaze dragging lazily up and down before he shook his head. “Women do indeeddiefor you.” He laughed at his own joke.

“Mm, perhaps,” I gave him a small smile.

He faced me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re making me proud, son. We’ve always counted on you to have the Realms’ best interests at heart, and you have never let us down.”

He waved his hand dismissively as we began walking. “One could say you’ve been distracted in the past, as with the infant, but it happens to the best of us, and we learn from our mistakes.”

Modulating my increasing temper, I replied, “Learning from one’s mistakes is invaluable.”

I spotted the other four Ancients, their robes flowing, appearing to glide down a hallway to our left. “Thank you for meeting with me,” I said politely. “I know your time is precious.”

“That it is,” Ezra agreed as we came to a stop in front of a set of ornate doors, all black ironwork with intricate scrolling and whorls. “I am certain you will find the selection to your tastes and preferences; I curated it myself.”

He flicked a glance at the entry and the metal panels drifted inward. “Enjoy and fill me in later.”

He took his leave after I bowed my head.

A curtain of Bloodmoon flowers and long ivy pendants fashioned from emeralds hung directly inside the doorway and I parted the screen. A rushing wave of desire, longing, hope, and a dash of lust wrapped around me as I slowly made my way into the scene spread out before me.

Vampire and demon females of the highest classes and most exquisite beauty were clad in breathtaking finery, lounging on cushions, chairs, and sofas. One swung from the ceiling on a bird swing, with her aura and a sparkling cloud of tulle trailing behind her.

The scent of blood, vanilla, and exotic flowers assaulted me, tempting me to indulge in each woman, one by one. My dark gaze flickered between the auras, instinctively searching for the most compliant, and the best match for my personal DNA.

Ezra had been understating the quality of the goods in this large parlor, each specimen was an example of the finest craftsmanship the known universe could offer.

Each would have been celebrated in the Third Realm. They’d have been turned into a high-end lingerie model, married into royalty, or immortalized on the silver screen, and memorialized forever. These were the women that drove humans to war or inspired suicide over rejected advances. Men would crash their ships into the sea rocks, drawn by a siren’s call, for just one smile from these beauties.