I’d lied to Micha—something I never do; to convince him we had to follow the two women. He’d taken it to mean I thought there was a threat. There was, but of a different kind.
We’d stuck to the shadows, using our gifts of speed and shade, while I gloried in the woman’s vanilla and clove scent.
Della had been concerned over what she’d witnessed, a body lying on the asphalt surrounded by wraiths. But then she’d dismissed it, not truly believing the blood-soaked display in front of her. It really was quite convenient that the festival had been packed with costumes and theater.
I placed my hand against the bedroom door and slowly pushed it open. She lay there, wreathed in a light shimmer of lemon and peach, her breasts lifting slightly as she suckedin a shuddering breath while she slept. A leg twisted as she unconsciously sought a more comfortable position. Did she sense my arrival?
Stepping away from the entrance, I crossed the room keeping my feet light so I wouldn’t wake her.Verybriefly, I debated not placing her under hypnagognia for once but then intelligence took over and I held out my hand, inducing the paralysis I favored.
Perched on the edge of her bed, I ran my hand down her side, marveling at the satin texture of her skin. The movement released her scent, and I closed my eyes, reveling in the fragrance.
The strap of her pink tank top had slid from her shoulder, and I lightly traced a path from the bone down to the dip between her breasts. She was terrified of me in waking life, but her physical response to my nearness was welcoming in her slumber.
Her aura was gathering around the apex of her thighs, a deep fuchsia color, the tint of carnal desire.
I’d feasted between her legs once before, after her excuse of a boyfriend left her aching and needy. Her body had presented me with a nectar so divine I hadn’t even bitten her neck. I didn’t need to, having been fully sated by her dripping juices.
Tugging the sheet down lightly, I memorized the dip of her waist and the flare of her hip, as she slumbered on her side. Then I turned the other way and brushed her hair back from her face, letting her silky caramel-hued tresses spill through my long fingers while being careful not to snare a single strand in any of my rings.
Della was astoundingly beautiful both inside and out. Her best features were her eyes, the light golden-brown shade rare among humans. The remainder of her features weren’t especially remarkable on their own, but the universe hadconspired to assemble this woman in a way that stole one’s breath directly from their lungs.
Before I’d realized what I’d done, I found myself leaning over her, an arm on each side of her torso. Instead of removing myself from such close contact, I trailed my nose barely a millimeter from her flesh and inhaled lightly as I caressed her collarbone. Taking just the tiniest sample, I stole wisps of her essence and allowed the bliss to fill me. It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough, and now I wanted her blood.
Shuddering, I placed all my weight on my arms so I wouldn’t collapse. My hair fell forward and had she been awake, she would’ve pushed it from her face. I sensed her stirring and allowed the curtain of my dark hair to block my features.
She was immobilized and chained by the ethereal threads I’d placed on her. She was subject to whatever I wanted to do to her. The knowledge she was entirely under my control was satisfying and primal. She couldn’t move a muscle unless I gave her express permission.
My Little One was at my mercy, her tiny delicate form completely under my control.
Leaning further, I pressed a feather-light kiss to her plump lips. The blood sang in my veins, imploring me to take a deeper taste, to nip at her mouth until it released a wash of crimson. The impulse to do so was so shockingly strong it stole my breath.
Blinking, I collected myself and began to get up, my hair swinging in my eyes. I knew better than to break the rules. I would bring nothing but destruction to my life if I persisted.
It felt like I’d tossed and turned all night. Exhaustion left my eyelids gritty, and I unwillingly shoved myself out of bed. There was no room for lateness at my job—I had enough trouble there already.
Making my way to the bathroom I remembered the vivid dream that was the cause of my restless sleep. Or was it a nightmare? Who has sexy dreams of their scary boss? Josiah was probably just waiting to pounce and fire my butt, which made the visions I’d had all the more ridiculous.
No one else had trouble not looking at his face, as Christina had so smugly announced to me more than once. I was walking a fine line and teetering on the brink of unemployment.
Christina took every opportunity to put me down in front of our coworkers or make me look like an idiot. It was beyond frustrating. She’d even left jelly on my seat at my desk, and I’d had to parade around work with a purple stain on my ass for half the day.
Well, maybe she hadn’t done that, it was hard to believe someone her age could be that childish. But I didn’t eat grape jelly and I’d seen her slather it on her sourdough toastmultiple times. She’d made comments about how I had “a little something” on my rear the whole day and hinted Josiah would fire me for having stained clothes on.
It had to have been her. With the axe swinging over my head, it was just a matter of time.
So, today was a great day for my boss to fire me with my tolerance for the nonsense down, my inexplicable staring uncontrollable, and my impending lateness.
Rushing around my apartment, I tried to get ready for work as fast as I could, plagued by visions of living on the street.
Last night’s dream wasn’t like the other times. This time, I was massaged and caressed and then kissed by a man in a black suit—no cloak. When he moved his hair back, I was greeted by pearlescent black eyes. The likes of which you if you gazed into them long enough, you’d fall inside and be consumed.
If I were honest, after that kiss, Iwantedto be consumed by him. The man could’ve done anything to me, and I would’ve asked for more.