She gives me a funny look then giggles. “Boys are weird.”
Rachel gasps. “Piper!”
I let out a laugh and stand. “And these are for you.” I hand Rachel a dozen red roses.
“Thank you.” Rachel rewards me with a kiss. “Piper, what do you say?”
“Thanks, Logan!” Piper has already dropped her flowers on the coffee table and went back to playing with her dollhouse.
“Hey, kiddo. Come back here for a second. I think Logan has something to tell you,” Rachel calls her back over and sits her on the sofa.
I kneel in front of her. “Piper, would you go on a date with me. To see Disney on Ice? I heard they need more princesses, so I brought you the perfect ball gown.”
Piper’s eyes light up. “We’re going to see princesses on ice?”
“What do you think? Can we take Mommy too?” I ask.
“Mommy, you wanna go to see princesses with us?”
Rachel’s smile lights up the room. “I’d love too.”
“Here, you better go with Mommy and get ready.” I give Piper the bag with her costume inside and wait patiently for my girls to return.
It doesn’t take long for Rachel to help Piper change. When she comes back, Rachel tells me to close my eyes and wait. Piper yells, “TADA!” and I open my eyes.
“Whoa, look at you, Princess Elsa! I think you’re missing one thing.” Reaching in the other bag I left on the table; I pull out her tiara. “Every Princess needs a crown!”
“Logan,” Rachel whispers.
“You’ll have to do this. I have no clue what I’m doing.” I look up at Rachel and plead.
With Piper’s tiara on top of her head, I pull Rachel’s out. “I couldn’t forget about this princess too!”
Rachel throws her head back and laughs. “Okay. Now you may be overdoing it.”
“We’re Princesses, Mommy! You need a dress!”
“No, no. Mommy’s fine without a dress. They’ll all still know I’m a princess.” Rachel defends.
Standing up, I smooth down my shirt and point to the door. “Well, beautiful ladies, shall we?”
“Shew. All tucked in for the night,” I whisper as I shuffle into my living room.
Logan fights back a yawn. “She partied hard today. I don’t know how you keep up with her.”
“That she did,” I agree, casually joining him on the couch. “Seeing you with her is rather sexy.”
“You think so?” He wraps an arm around my shoulders, giving me an awkward side hug.
“I’m still trying to figure out how a guy like you was so convinced that you couldn’t handle kids.”
Logan swallows hard and blows out a breath. “Do you really want to know why?”
Turning my body so that I’m facing him completely, I take his hands in mine. “Yes. I do.”