Page 53 of Cop Blocked

“What did you expect? I needed to finish. You’re lucky I made it that long.” Logan’s throaty chuck vibrates on the line.

“You really, just...while we were…” Shy and reserved Rachel goes out the window with the thought of Logan stroking himself. “Maybe I wanted to hear the sound of my name rolling off your tongue.”

I can practically hear him swallow. “Oh hell, Rachel. Who’s the vixen now? Stick around next time, and maybe you will get to hear it.”

“You don’t play fair. I kinda wigged out when Piper started calling my name.”

Logan laughs. “That was a mood killer. Finding this little scrap of fabric was not.”

“I hate you.”

“Join the club. Any chance I can talk you into coming over again tomorrow? Or maybe we can go out? The weather is supposed to be nice; we could take Piper to the park or something.”

“You want to spend the day with the two of us again?”

“Why not?”

“What about Ryker?”

“You want me to ask Ryker to come along? If you think he’s going to be a buffer, I’d like to remind you how annoying he was today.”

It’s my turn to laugh. “No, I didn’t mean Ryker should come too. I mean, he can if you wanted. Isn’t he…”

“Relax, I knew what you meant. He’s going home tomorrow morning. He’ll be out of my hair before lunchtime.”

“You’re so mean.”

“Nope, not mean. He’s a pain in the ass,” Logan replies, matter of factly.

“Well, uhm, I guess we could do something, I’m not sure what you have in mind.”

“It’s a date. I’ll pick you both up around ten?”

“We’ll be ready.”

“Good. Is that too late to grab breakfast?”

“Nope. Piper may sleep till nine, worst case, I can give her something to munch on until then.”

“Okay. Cool. Ryker’s walking in the door now, so I’m going to let you go and hang out with him for a bit. Ya know, do the brotherly thing. Interrogate him about his date and all that stuff. Sleep well, pretty girl.”

“Goodnight.” I’m about to hang up but decide to torture the poor man a little more. “Oh, Logan, one more thing.”

“Yeah, babe?”

“I’ll be thinking of you when I crawl in my bed tonight.” I don’t wait for him to say anything back. Instead, I quickly end the call and shake my head.

Who is this person that Logan’s bringing out of me?



Ithink it's possible that I’ve damn near lost my mind, and Rachel is probably going to kill me.

I don’t even wait for her to call me this morning before I’m sending off text messages like some kind of crazed lunatic.

Me: So. I did a thing. It was foolish and kind of risky, and if you can’t make it work, I understand. It would be my fault for acting impulsively and not checking with you first.