Rachel pulls up outside my house, and Ryker decides to race me to the door like a child. Narrowly beating me to it - he opens it and reaches out for Rachel.
“Oh my gosh! It is SO nice to meet you. I’ve heard all about you.” Ryker lays it on thick, while Rachel looks at me wide-eyed over his shoulder.
I shrug and roll my eyes. “Forgive him. He was dropped on his head a lot as a kid.”
Ryker doesn’t stop there, turning his attention to the tiny person holding Rachel’s hand, he kneels. “And you, little cutie, must be Piper.”
Piper does exactly what I want to do and hides.
“I’m sorry, she’s at that age, new people overwhelm her. She’ll warm up,” Rachel explains.
“Alright, move out of the way, Ryker. Go man the grill or something.” I slap him upside the head and shove him back inside before kissing Rachel on the cheek.
Piper peeks out from behind her mother’s legs to see if the coast is clear.
“Where’s my girl?” I bend down so I can reach her.
“Logan!” she shrieks and wraps her arms around my neck. “Are Smokey and Lucky awake?”
“They’re around somewhere, but I hear you’ve got some friends out back.” I follow them both inside. “Smitty and Zoey are outside already. Rhys and Kelsey should be here soon, and I think they mentioned something about inviting Cole and Molly.”
“Hmm. Sounds like fun,” Rachel says, reluctantly.
I raise a brow. “You sure about that. You sound disappointed.”
“No. Yeah, it’s fine. A little nervous about Dylan, I guess.”
“Eh, I told you he’s coming around to the idea of us. Besides, we’re on my turf today. If he can’t behave, I’ll kick his ass.”
“How romantic of you to defend my honor.” She gives me a coy smile and rolls her eyes.
“Mommy, Gabby, and Jackson are here!” Piper jumps up and down and squeals. “Let’s go.” I notice her tug harder on Rachel’s hand.
“Okay, okay, let’s go see your friends.”
* * *
“Logan!” Piper yells, running full force at me. Before I can brace myself for impact, the tiny kid crashes into me. I let out an ‘oomph’ and lean down to scoop her up. “What is it, kiddo?”
“I have a secret.”
“You do?” I tickle her belly and elicit even more giggles from her.
I don’t miss Ryker over her shoulder, making faces at me and giving me a thumbs up. The asshole has been at it all day. Taunting me, laughing at my expense, and harmlessly trying to charm Rachel.
I made the right call by inviting everyone over. I think seeing us together may have softened Smitty up, a little.
Piper wiggles her little finger, encouraging me to move in closer. “My Mommy likes you. She told Zoey, you look hot.”
My body shakes with laughter; the huge grin on my face is hard to fight. “Did she now?”
“Mmmhmm.” Piper beams up at me, very proud of the news she shared with me.
“And what do you think about that? Miss Piper?”
“I think.” she taps her chin. “Boys are gross. But I think I like you.”
It sounds like I’m winning this war. “Hm. How about that? I think I like you, too.”