“How long have you and my granddaughter been hooking up? And more importantly, why did you both play innocent and hide your relationship from me?”
“Miss B…” I raise my hands in surrender.
“Don’t Miss B, me. It’s Nana now. We’re practically family.”
“I, uh, I don’t know what to say. I guess I’ll start with; I had no idea that Rachel was your granddaughter. You never mentioned her name. We met at dinner one night and got to know each other. It was, and I guess still is, very new. When she was in the accident, we’d only known each other a few weeks.”
“And what about all this, ‘I don’t want kids’ nonsense? Is that not the reason why you had yet to let me introduce the two of you?”
“You’re playing hardball today, huh, Nana?”
She puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. “Answer the question.”
“When Rachel and I met, I didn’t know about Piper. We went out a few times…”
Her gaze narrows, and I start sweating.
“I was the perfect gentleman. I promise. Walked her to the door and nothing more.” A tiny white lie, but it’s not that far from the truth. “The day of the car accident, I found out about Piper. Rachel and I were still trying to figure things out. I’ll tell you this much though, ma’am. I realized a whole lot since that day, and one thing I know for sure is that I’m crazy about Rachel. Piper too.”
“Good. I’m glad you feel that way. Rachel is a gentle soul. Sassy and stubborn, sometimes hard to love. I’ve always thought someone like you was the man for the job. Just don’t go getting her knocked up then running off to war.”
My eyes widen in shock. “Nana, I certainly hadn’t planned on it.”
“Good. I won’t keep you much longer. I only need one more thing.”
“Dinner, Thursday evening. That’s two days from now. I needyouto bring Rachel and Piper. Come to think of it; it’s actually two favors I need from you. Bring them to dinner, and if you would be so kind - stop off at the grocery store and pick up the ingredients for enchiladas. I know that’s a big favor to ask, but I won’t have time this week with taking Rachel to her follow-up tomorrow and helping her with Piper.”
“Rachel has a follow-up tomorrow?”
Nana shakes her head. “Typical man. That’s all you heard out of everything I said. Get. Go back to work and don’t make a big deal about that doctor’s appointment. I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it Thursday on your day off.”
“How do you…” I start to ask.
“Your friend Rhys gave me a little insider info. Now, shoo.”
There is not a doubt in my mind where Rachel gets her personality from.
“I’m going. I’m going. Thanks for the pep talk. I think.”
“Don’t forget. Thursday.” She points a finger at me before I walk out the door.
“I won’t forget.” I hold up the slip of paper she gave me with her shopping list on it. “I’ll take care of it.”
Driving away, the silliest thought hits me. That’s the first time I’ve ever been to Miss B’s house and not had a single cookie.
With strict instructions from both Nana and Logan, I’ve dressed in something other than scrub pants or those now well worn, cut up sweatpants. I know we’ve been ordered to dinner at Nana’s at five o’clock. I have no idea why Logan’s insisted on picking me up at lunchtime instead.
“You do realize, Piper is still in preschool until three?”
“I know. That’s exactly why I’m here now. I got a call from Nana, and your doctor said you could get back to driving when you were comfortable.”
“Whooooa. Nope. I am not about to go for a drive. Especially not in that.” I point toward the smoke-colored Mustang in the driveway.