Page 21 of Cop Blocked

“Logan! That damn cat ran out the front door again. This time she’s hiding under the front porch. She’s been there all day and making this god awful noise. I’m surprised the neighbors haven’t called and complained. I just knew you’d come right away and save Kitty.”

She’s right about the noise the poor cat is making. Lord knows what I’m about to find when I crawl under the old wooden porch this time.

Yeah, yeah. I’ve done this more than once.

“I’ll do my best, Mrs. B. If I didn’t know better I would swear you, and Kitty only call me out here because I bring goodies,” I kiss her hand and pass her six cookies and a cup of coffee. “You enjoy these and let me see what I can do about Kitty.”

Mrs. Beesley smiles, sweetly. “Oh, you handsome devil. You’re so good to me.” She clings to the coffee and cookies. “I’ll sit right here for a spell and let you work your magic.”

Grabbing the flashlight from my side, I walk around to the side of the house, where I know there is access for me to crawl under and check things out. As soon as I kneel down and shine light underneath, Kitty hisses and meows loudly.

“Hey, Kitty,” I take a closer look, keeping my voice calm, trying to coax her out.

Son of a …

“Oh, Kitty, sweet girl. What did you find?” Halfway under the porch now, I can see exactly why Kitty wouldn’t come out and has been fussing. Curled up at her side are two baby kittens.

They’re not hers; I’d know because I took Kitty and had her spayed for Mrs. Beesley a year ago. Kitty Girl sure thinks they are her babies though. Which each move Kitty hisses louder, warning me to stay away. I take a minute to think about how exactly I’m going to get her and these babies out of here without being mauled in the process.

Pulling my leather gloves off my utility belt, I decide that removing Kitty first is going to be my best bet. I know she’s up to date on all her shots, and I pray that with a lot of luck, she won’t bite, too hard.

“Alright, Kitty girl, come here,” I grunt on the dirty ground and slowly move my hand toward her. “I won’t hurt your babies, I promise. Come with me pretty girl,” I keep whispering, surprised when she lets me pet her and the kittens don’t scatter. “Atta girl, I gotcha,” I tell her as I gently pull her to me and wiggle my way back out.

Mrs. Beasley rushes over as soon as she sees my head pop up. “Oh, sweet boy, you got her for me!” She cheers and takes Kitty from me.

“Can you put her inside for me? She’s going to run right back under here if we’re not careful. There are two kittens under your porch, Ma’am.”

“Oh, heavens. Will you get them too?”

“Now, Mrs. B, you know I will. Go on and get Kitty inside and let me tend to the little ones.”

The tiny little things are terrified as I pull them from their safe haven. Their desperate meows echo, and we can here Kitty inside the house protesting loudly too.

Mrs. Beasley is waiting for me with two blankets to wrap them in.

“What are we going to do with them, Logan?”

“Aww, now I don’t know, but I’ll figure something out. I’ll call a buddy of mine to have them checked out, and we’ll go from there.” I tell her as they both curl up against my chest, under their new blanket.

“Can we keep them, Nana?” A tiny voice echos beside her, drawing away my attention from the kittens. “Can I see the kittens? Maybe I can have one!”

“Piper, Nana asked you to stay inside with Kitty.” Miss Beasley pats the little girl on the head with a grin.

“Sorry,” she drops her head and pouts. “I wanted to see the kittens.”

“Well, that’s alright, I’m sure Mr. Logan will let you take a peek.”

“Hey, Piper, is it?” I kneel down and lift the blanket. The little girl can’t be more than a few years old, she’s a tiny thing, much like the kittens in my arms. “Have a look, but let’s not pet them. We want to be sure they don’t have any germs first, okay?” I have no idea what their story is, but I’d hate for them to bite the little girl.

“I’m Piper. And I want a kitten.”

I try not to laugh at her straightforwardness as she fights the urge to pet the kittens.

“I’m Logan, and I think these little guys or girls need to see the pet doctor first.”

“Like Dr. McStuffins, she makes all the stuffies better!”

I have no clue who McStuffins is, but I agree with her. “Yeah, like Dr. McStuffins.”