“He knows. And he reminds me quite often that he’s way hotter if you know what I mean.” Zoey wiggles her eyebrows, and I fake cough.
“Enough. I don’t want details.”
“I think, before you go writing Logan off altogether, you need to talk to him. Tell him what’s on your mind and see how he really feels. Guys like him, they’re bred to be hardasses. Hell, Dylan was the same way. We both agreed to no strings. It wasn’t long after that, he was staking his claim, and look at us now. You see how he loves me and loves his kids — every single one of them. Rachel, you saw the tears in his eyes when our babies were struggling in the NICU. That’s the same man who told me he wasn’t interested in anything more than sex.”
I let her words sink in. “We’ll see.”
The event at the college ends around four. Once I’m back in my patrol car, I check my phone and find a reply from Rachel time-stamped just minutes before.
Rachel: Hey, sorry, I can’t Saturday. I already have other plans. Maybe another time.
Hmpf. That sure as hell sounds like a rejection.
Me: No worries. When do you work again, we can grab coffee.
I reply, trying to feel out the situation. When Rachel doesn’t respond right away, I drive back to the station for a bit until a call comes in.
Between Maureen’s quick gossiping last shift that has stirred up every one of the guys, paperwork, and Lieutenant on my ass, I haven’t had a chance to breathe since.
I think I’m more exhausted from being at the station then when I was out in the damn heat.
“Hey, Playboy…”
Fuck. I was so close to making it out the door and home to my bed, where I planned to catch up on all the sleep I didn’t get last night.
“What’s up?” I turn around and catch Smitty.
“One more thing before you go.” He smirks.
I rub my forehead to try and keep the headache that is forming, at bay. “What is it now?”
“Mrs. Beasley called for you. Her kitten got out again. I told her I’d let you know before you left.”
God Bless her and the fact that half the time, she doesn’t even bother calling the non-emergency line and dealing with the dispatchers; instead she calls the station directly and asks for me.
“Great. I’ll stop by. Thanks.” Mrs. Beesley and a dozen chocolate chip cookies is the perfect way to end this craptastic day. “Do me a favor, get laid over the weekend, and cause your own drama, so we have something new to talk about next shift.”
Smitty pats my shoulder and smiles. “Aww, you’re so cute when you pout.”
I can’t beat up my coworkers. Or can I?
“Cut the shit, or I’ll sign you up as the volunteer for the next taser training class.”
“That’s cute, Walsh. I already signed you up.” He turns and walks away. “You’ve gotta be quicker than that,” Smitty calls over his shoulder.
Oh, I think I can kick Smitty’s ass.
“Better you than us, Playboy,” one of the rookies laughs and slaps me on the back on his way past.
Before this shift throws one more thing my way, I hustle out the door.
One stop at my favorite bakery in town, and I’ve got a dozen fresh baked cookies and two coffees as I head to Mrs. Beesley’s place. This time it’ll be my treat for her.
My favorite neighborhood grandmother is waiting outside for me when I pull up.