Page 14 of Cop Blocked

Rachel: Admit it, you like it.

Me: Never said I didn’t.

Rachel: Annnd, I need to go. Not that you’re boring company, but I’m ready to fall asleep. I’ll see you tomorrow morning?

Me: Yes. What time do you usually get to the coffee shop?

Rachel: 730. I’ll see you then?

Me: 730, I’ll be there. Sleep well.

Rachel: Night Logan, you too.

With her last reply, I toss my phone and take care of the situation I’ve got going on.

It’s Rachel’s face I’m picturing and her name on the tip of my tongue as I spill over the edge.

Thankfully, my release is enough to calm me down and drown out the day so that I can sleep.

* * *

I arrive atAllegro’sby seven-fifteen. I’m not expecting Rachel to be here yet, which works perfectly for my little plan. Not taking any chances, I get in line and automatically order two coffees, remembering Rachel’s order from the last time we bumped into each other here, and I grab each of us a breakfast pastry, just in case she hasn’t eaten.

When she walks in the door ten minutes later, I’m waiting for her at a table by the door with a smirk on my face.

The minute she spots the two cups on the table, she throws her head back and lets out a hearty laugh.

“I knew I should have left the house earlier. Damn it,” his voice is playful as she quickly kisses my cheek, then grabs her cup and takes a sip. “Ooo, you remembered how I like it. Thank you.”


“I probably should have warned you that I wouldn't be able to stay and chat. I’ve got to clock in by eight. I’m sorry.”

I stand and hand her the danish I bought her. “It’s okay. I figured you’d dash in and out. Getting to see you, even if only for a few minutes, is worth it.”

“Ever the charmer.” She winks.

“Whatever works.” I give her a chaste kiss and walk outside with her.

“So, tomorrow. Eleven o’clock. Where should I meet you?” Rachel asks when we reach her car.

“I’ll pick you up. Text me your address.”

“You don’t have to. I’ve got errands to run in the morning, so I’ll probably already be out.”

“I kinda wanted to surprise you with what I had in mind.”

I can’t be sure, but it seems like she hesitates for a split second. “Okay. I’ll text you my address.”

One more quick kiss that doesn’t last nearly long enough, and we head separate ways.



Logan: On my way. Should be at your place in fifteen.

Me: No texting and driving. You should know better!