Page 10 of Cop Blocked

“Fine, fine. Where are you from originally? I’m guessing you may or may not have moved around a lot as a Marine.”

“Born in Lynchburg, Tennessee. My little brother Ryker still lives there, well, I guess he’s not so little anymore.”

Our conversation continues to flow smoothly throughout our meal. The usual awkward silence that I’m used to on first dates never happens. In fact, I think I’ve laughed more tonight than I have in a long time.

“Funniest thing that’s ever happened to you at work, and go…” I ask as we finish up our drinks.

“I was giving one of the babies a bath, went to pick the little guy up, and he shit on me. It was on my scrubs and in my shoes. Made this loud noise, too. I can laugh about it now.” Rachel smiles. “It’s a good thing they’re cute, ya know. Now it's your turn.”

I watch her face contort in humor as I tell her about one of our “regulars” that we’re sadly always picking up.

“Okay, okay, wait.” She wipes tears of laughter from her eyes. “You’re serious? The woman bit you.”

“Yes. And on my ass at that.” I’m trying to remain straight-faced as I finish telling her the story. “One of our female officers did the pat-down and cuffed her. Sat her on the curb, and I was behind her, talking with another officer. She turned around and bit my ass. I had teeth marks for weeks after that.”

“What in the world? Was she drunk or something?” Rachel shakes her head.

“God knows what she was on. The guys didn’t let me live that shit down for a long time.”

She takes a deep breath and tries not to chuckle. “I can’t…” She giggles. “Sorry. Oh gosh. I’m picturing this and your reaction. That’s...insane.”

I lean back in my chair and grin. “Go on, laugh it up.”

Our waiter returns, momentarily interrupting us. “Would you like a dessert menu?”

Looking at Rachel, I ask, “You still up for ice cream? I know the perfect place, it’s just around the corner. We can walk there.”

“That sounds perfect.”

“Just the check, please,” I tell the waiter.

He’s back with the bill in no time. I’ve already got my wallet out and stuff enough cash inside to cover the meal plus a generous tip.

“Shall we?” I stand and reach for Rachel’s hand as we make our way out onto the sidewalk.



Logan’s hand on the small of my back is a steady presence as he leads the way to the ice cream shop. The comfortable silence between us gives me the opportunity to soak it all in and enjoy just being with him. I thought I felt it before, but now I’m sure. There’s something about Logan. A connection I’ve been missing with anyone else. It’s easy to forget everything else and be myself.

The time we’ve spent chatting on the phone or through text messages makes me feel like I’ve known him nearly my whole life.

“This is it,” he says, opening the door toSugar Rush.

The air inside the ice cream shop smells like vanilla and sugar. It’s familiar and cozy. Reminiscent of all those weekends I spent with my grandmother, baking cookies and pies. The retro decor adds an adorable 1950’s flare.

“Wow. This place is…” My voice trails off as I look around and take it all in.

They certainly don’t do anything small at this place. The tables are filled with patrons and oversized milkshake concoctions and giant ice cream cones.

“Tell me they have kid-sized options. I don’t know that I can finish off something like that,” I point behind the counter to the dish that is currently being adorned with sprinkles and full-size candy bars.

Logan’s eyes light up, and he winks at me. “We can share.”

We take our place at the end of the line and begin discussing our flavor options.

“I’m taking it that you’ve probably been here before, so what’s your pick?” I ask, leaning into his welcoming embrace.