“I can meet you there. Thanks again for this.” I hold up the coffee and cookie.
“Anytime, pretty girl.”
“Text me later and let me know what time on Friday.”
Logan’s grin widens. “You can count on it.”
I’m floating on air by the time I get back to the hospital to finish out my shift, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
“What’s got you so happy?” Tori asks as she leans against the door to my tiny patient’s room. “You’ve been giddy since you got back from lunch.”
“Nothing.” I shrug while I enter the baby’s vitals into the chart.
“Lies. What’s his name?”
“Will you stop being ridiculous? You know I’ve been talking to someone.”
“Ohhhh, it’s Logan! Did you two hook up for a little…”
I quickly turn toward Tori and silent her with an icy glare. “Don’t you dare. And no, we didn’t.” I smile. “I may have run into him at the coffee shop.”
“No way!” Her loud voice startles the baby, who was sleeping soundly in the crib next to me. “Does he know about Piper yet?”
“Tori. For heaven's sake. Keep it down,” I hiss. “No, he doesn’t know about Piper. No sense in bringing her into the mix until I know where this is going, I don’t like the idea of having random men floating in and out of her life. Logan and I, we’re just having fun right now. Now, enough. Besides, don’t you have work to do?”
“Spoilsport,” she whispers back and disappears as I pick up my patient and begin to rock him to soothe him back to sleep.
He’s napping on my chest when his mom comes in to visit. I stand from the rocking chair and help her get settled. Then we shuffle her baby boy and all the wires until he’s nestled comfortably in her arms.
After I update her on his progress for the day and answer any questions she has, I excuse myself to check on my other patient.
My little two-pounder, who was born during my last shift, is holding his own in the next room. His mom, on the other hand, is having a rough recovery and hasn’t been able to visit with him as often as she’d like because of the heavy medicines they have her on to control her blood pressure. To try and make up for it, I’ve been sending her pictures of the little guy and checking on her during my fifteen-minute breaks when I’m here.
At one week old, he’s stable and doing well tonight. Already off of the ventilator, my little friend is doing well on high flow oxygen.
Taking my time with him, I change his diaper and check his temperature and vitals. Once I’m satisfied that all is well with this kiddo too, I pull up the computer next to his incubator and begin charting. By the time the night shift arrives, I’m all set to give my report and clock out.
Me to Defcon1: Guess who has a date tonight? Don’t wait up suckers.
Defcon1 (Gunner): Hell yes, get ‘em, tiger.
Defcon1 (Louis): Make sure you pack condoms.
Defcon1 (Sunny): You boys are gross. Keep it in your pants, Playboy.
I got here early out of habit and have been pacing outside ofThe Edisonfor fifteen minutes until Rachel finally arrives and puts me out of my misery.
The minute she spots me, she smiles and gives me a shy wave. “Hey.”
I pull her in for a casual hug, catching the faint scent of grapefruit and jasmine. “You look beautiful.”
Her jeans might as well be painted on, and her shirt clings to every curve with the slightest hint of cleavage peeking out the top. My God, I’m a lucky man right now.
“T-thanks.” She relaxes in my arms and hugs me back.