Page 77 of Cop Blocked

“Nana said you’re knocked up,” she says like it’s no big deal.

“Well, why don’t you ask Nana?” I eye Nana. “Go on, Nana, explain.”

“Logan gave your mommy a baby. In a few months, you’re going to be a big sister.”

Shit. I knew I shouldn’t have let her take the lead on that.

“I’m gonna be a big sister! Is it a girl? Can we go pick her out?”

I smack my forehead with my palm. “You two exhaust me.”

“That’s not us, dear. That’s the bun in your oven.”




Searching through the faces in the crowd, Rachel’s is the first one I see. The minute I lock eyes with her, I take off in a sprint wrapping her in my arms the minute she’s within reach.

“Logan,” she croaks. “We need to go.”

Setting her down, I can see her face is contorted in pain. “Are you okay?”

Cole smacks the back of my head. “Welcome home. Your wife is in labor.”

“Oh, shit. How far apart are your contractions?” I pick up the duffle bag I dropped.

“Give me that and come on.” Cole takes the bag from me while doing our best to navigate the crowd. “It’s at least fifteen minutes to the closest hospital. You better hope like hell that baby stays put until then.”

“Oh, God.” Rachel stops and holds on to her stomach. “I forgot how bad this hurts.”

“We’re going to get you to the hospital, I promise.” I hope.

Cole tosses my bags in the back of his Expedition while I help Rachel get in the back seat.

He drives like a bat out of hell while Rachel screams.

“Five minutes, Rachel, sit tight,” Cole pleads.

She’s out of the car and in a room on the labor and delivery floor within fifteen minutes.

Doctors and nurses are buzzing all around, gathering information, hooking her up to monitors, and running an IV.

“Make sure the warmer is ready. We don’t have time for all of that. This baby’s coming right now,” one doctor shouts.

I don’t dare to think about where his hand is.

“Rachel, the baby is already crowning, a few pushes and your little one will be here. When you feel that next contraction, I want you to take a deep breath and push.”

She throws her head back on the bed and lets out a sob then winces. Next thing you know, they’re telling me to hold her leg and she’s pushing with all she’s got.

“I wanted pain meds.” She looks to me and cries.

I brush her hair from her face and apologize.

“Come on, Rachel, one more push.” The doctor encourages.