Page 76 of Cop Blocked

“I am.”

“Son of a…” There’s a commotion, and he falls from his chair. Somewhere in the background, I hear, “We’re having a baby.” His face pops back up on the screen, and he seems to be clinging to the table. “I need to find an epi-pen.”

With tears streaming down my face, I bust out in laughter. “You’re such an asshole.”

“Rachel, I love you, honey. So, damn much.”

I kiss my fingertips and press them to the screen. Logan does the same.

“I gotta go now, babe. Tell Nana I said Merry Christmas. I’ll see you girls soon.”

“I love you too, be safe. Merry Christmas, Marine.”

After our call ends, I turn off the Christmas lights and carry Piper to bed with me. I spend the night cuddled up with my girl, Izzy, and the cats, thinking about the other half of my heart that is half a world away.

* * *

“Nana, we’re here!” I call out.

Nana comes out of the kitchen with a tray full of French Toast. The tree in her family room is piled high with gifts.

“Whoa, Nana must have been really good, do you see all those presents?” Piper gasps.

“I don’t think those are for me.”

“Who else would they be for?”

I walk over and read one of the labels.

“An elf sent them from a special place.” Nana grins like a fool.

“I swore I wouldn’t cry today.” Too damn late for that.

“Oh, sweetheart. It’s okay to cry. That man of yours will be home soon. You’ll see. The time will fly.” She pats the spot next to her. “Sit down here, and let’s eat while Piper opens some of those presents.

Nana hands me a plate. The first bite goes down fine, the second the little peanut decides he or she doesn’t like. Piper is giggling as I flee to the bathroom.

All eyes are on me when I come back.

“Something you want to tell me, Rachel?”

I should have known I wouldn’t be able to hide this from my grandmother for much longer. I hand her a card from my purse and wait while she opens it.

Her mouth drops, and she lifts her glasses like that’s going to change what she’s looking at. “Oh you, wait ‘til Logan gets back here. I warned him about this.”


“Well! What was I supposed to tell him that I wanted a dozen more great grandbabies? No. I told him not to go getting you knocked up, and he did just that! I thought you two knew about birth control, for heaven's sake.”

“Nana, you cannot be serious right now.”

“I’m serious, alright. It doesn’t matter how happy I am about this young lady. I’m still going to kick his ass.”

I giggle at my grandmother. I’m sure Logan will somehow weasel his way out of any punishment.

“Mommy, what’s knocked up?”

My head snaps to Piper.