Page 74 of Cop Blocked

“Me too,” I whisper back.

After dinner, we all pitch in and clean up.

Logan and Nana say their goodbyes, and before I know it, it’s time to tuck Piper in for the night.

Once she’s bathed and in fresh pajamas, we both sit down with her again and remind her that when she wakes up in the morning, Logan won’t be here.

“Like a vacation, right? You’re going to spend some nights away then come home!” She says.

“Something like that, kiddo. While I’m gone, I need you to take care of your mom for me. I’ll call and check in when I can.”

Piper leans in closer to Logan and whispers, “Will you bring me back a surprise?”

“Piper!” I try to correct her, but Logan is already laughing.

“I’ll bring you back something special.”


“Alright, kiddo. Lights out,” I tell her and let Logan do the honors of tucking her in.

“Hey, Piper,” He lowers his voice. “I love ya, kiddo.”

“I think I lub you too. Goodnight, Mommy, and Logan.”

As we walk out of her room together, Logan clears his throat and blows out a breath. “That was a hell of a lot harder than I thought.”

“She’s never told anyone else she loves them, outside of Nana and me,” I confess.

He picks me up in his arms and carries me to our room. “Then I guess I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.”

* * *

The next morning, the alarm clock blares at five am.

Logan rolls over and hits it before crawling out of bed. “This is it,” he grunts and stretches.

“It’ll be over before we know it.”

“I sure as hell hope so.”

I sit up in bed and take the time to watch him as he dresses in his uniform. I’m fine until he starts lacing up his boots, then the emotions begin to take over.

He stands up straight and checks the mirror before turning to face me. “Hey, pretty girl. Don’t cry.”

“I’m trying not to,” I fake a smile and bat the tears away.

“I’m going to miss you like crazy.” He says, taking a seat beside me on the bed and pulling me into his lap.

“Promise me you’ll stay safe, wherever you end up.”

“I’ll do my best. You stay out of trouble while I’m gone. Don’t let Gunner and Shortstack fill your head with too much bullshit.”

“I won’t. Bri invited us to their place over winter break; I might take her up on that offer.”

“You should; you’ll have fun with them.” He looks down at his watch. “I gotta go.”

I force myself from his lap and reach in the dresser drawer for the tiny package I’ve been hiding. “This is for you. Don’t open it here, or I’ll lose it.”