Page 7 of Cop Blocked


Logan: Next question. Have you ever done anything illegal?

I laugh to myself as I read Logan’s text while I’m in line at my favorite coffee shop on my lunch break. He’s been sending me some of the most random messages over the last few days. All of which, I’ve found myself amused by.

Me: If I did, I sure wouldn’t admit it to you, Officer. But, no. I’ve never done anything illegal. Except for uhm, there was one time I got pulled over for speeding. I didn’t get a ticket, though.

A voice behind me whispers, “Good girl.”

Causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. When I turn, Logan’s amused face is looking back at me.

“Holy shit. Seriously? You scared the hell out of me.” I give him a weak punch in the arm, which only makes him grin wider.

“Morning, pretty girl.”

I roll my eyes. “Are you stalking me?”

Logan huffs. “Hardly. I usually stop here a few times a week for a cup of coffee.”

“Hmm. Interesting. I don’t recall ever seeing you in here before. It’s my go-to place when I’m working.”

“That’s a shame really because I would have noticed you, and I would have asked you out long before now.” He winks as we move forward.

“You think you’re so smooth,” I tease.

“I know I am.” He gives me a devilish grin.

When I’m up to the register, I order my coffee, and Logan slyly tells the barista that we’re together - refusing to let me pay.

“Logan,” I grumble in defeat.

He puts an arm around my shoulders. “Rachel.”

The spicy smell of his cologne intoxicates me, and I find my heart beating faster. Hell, I’d be lying if I said that his uniform did nothing for me either. I’d never considered myself a badge bunny, but suddenly I see precisely what all the fuss is about.

“You okay?” He nudges me gently.

“Yep,” I squeak. I can see myself falling hard and fast for Logan if I’m not careful.

The barista hands us each of our cups of coffee and the two cookies that Logan added to our order.

“One for you.” He hands me one of the chocolate chip treats as we step away from the counter.

“Thank you. I hate to run, but I’ve got to get back to work.”

He nods. “I’ll walk you out.”

We reach my car, and Logan opens the door for me like the perfect gentleman.

“Something I’ve been meaning to ask you, got any plans for Friday night?” he asks before I slide into the driver’s seat.

“That depends on what you have in mind,” I tease.

“Well, I thought I could take you out to dinner, and maybe we could grab ice cream for dessert.”

“Hmm. Ice cream for dessert? I think I can clear my schedule.”

“So, Friday it is then. I’ll pick you up?” he offers.