Page 67 of Cop Blocked

What if he wants the day to himself to unwind? What if he doesn’t get back into town until much later tonight and isn’t up for company then either? I could have done all this for nothing.

See. Ridiculous.

Even if he’s not up for company, the lasagna will freeze well, and the cookies won’t go to waste. It’s not like he’s going to come home and suddenly decide he never wants to see me. I missed him like crazy, which is already a foreign concept to me, but it’s not like I can’t handle this or wait one more day to see him. At least that’s what I keep telling myself as I recheck the time and blow out a nervous breath.

I can only imagine the state I would be in if he was gone for more than two weeks.

Giving in and not caring if I seem desperate or not, I grab my phone and send off a text message.

Me: Hi. Just thinking of you and missing you. That sounds desperate but, sorta hoping you’re home soon.

In less than three minutes, Logan’s name pops up on the screen. Like a giddy school girl, I quickly answer.

“Hm. Are you stalking me?”

“N…no, why?”

His throaty chuckle fills the line, and my heart flips. “I’ve been home for maybe ten minutes. I was getting ready to call you when I got your text.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. I, yeah, like I said, I missed you. I know that sounds lame…”

Logan cuts me off. “Doesn’t sound lame at all; in fact, I missed you too.”

“You did?” It’s hard to hide the hopefulness in my voice.

“Of course, I did. It’s a shame you work until eight, hell I’d offer to bring you dinner after, but if I'm being honest, I don’t know that I’ll be able to keep my eyes open long enough to make that happen.”

I debate for a split second about telling him I presumptuously made plans or not mentioning it and letting him rest. In the end, the need to see him wins out. “What if I told you, I took the day off? And I made dinner to bring to you. Before you say anything, you can decline. I’m so new at this; I don’t want to step on your toes or be overbearing.”

“Would you stop worrying about offending me, woman. I need to get a shower, but I’ll leave the door unlocked. Come over whenever you’re ready?”

“Really? You mean it?”

He laughs. “Yes, babe. I mean it. Thank you for giving a damn.”

“Okay. I’ll be over soon.”

“Looking forward to seeing you and Piper. Toodles for now.”

“You’re a dork. Toodles.” Forgetting to mention Piper won’t be coming with, I’ll leave that for the element of surprise.

The lasagna is still warm, so I put it inside of an insulated travel carrier and load everything into a box, making it easier to carry. When I get to Logan’s I’ll only have to heat the garlic bread and maybe put the lasagna back in for a few minutes if that. Everything else is good to go. Including the bottle of wine I grabbed at the grocery store.

I let Izzy out to handle her business one more time before I go, then I quickly change my clothes - trading yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt for a cute yet comfortable maxi dress instead. With even more hope, I grab the overnight bag I packed and hit the door.

By the time I get to Logan’s, he’s already out of the shower and sitting on the front porch waiting for me. Like a scene from a movie, he meets me at my car and wraps his arms around me before pressing a passionate kiss to my lips.

“You look gorgeous,” he says, pulling back and leaning his forehead against mine.

Looking up at him with stars in my eyes, I let out a content sigh. “We should probably get inside before we give the neighbors something to talk about.”

He reluctantly lets me go and follows me around to the passenger side of the car. “Uhm, Rach. Where’s Piper?”

Lifting the box with our dinner in it from the front seat, I turn back around to face him. “She’s at Zoey’s for the night.”

I don’t miss the twinkle of mischief in his eyes or the cocky smirk on his face. “Oh?”

“I thought you might want the night alone,” I admit.