Page 64 of Cop Blocked

Gunner bounces back on his haunches, “With a little luck, you won’t be the only one tonight.”

Louis snorts. “I’ll bet you twenty bucks, Bri is not going to let that happen.”

Shortstack’s wife slips beside him and gives me a quick hug then turns to her husband. “Twenty bucks says, if you two don’t stop betting on us, you’ll both be getting well acquainted with your hands.”

“How are you going to do me like that, Holly?”

“Shortstack, I’d quit while you’re ahead, man.” I return Louis’ earlier smack on the back with one of my own.

“Thought I told you to quit calling me Shortstack?” He damn near whines, like always.

“What else do you call the shortest guy in the Marines?” I challenge. He flips me the finger in response. “I should probably go mingle with everyone else too. I’ll circle back.”



I*knew* it. I knew this was going to happen. It’s been on the table for a while, but nothing was final. Now that it’s official, I’m scared shitless.

I’ve had two weeks to wrap my head around it and try to think straight.


Ten little letters that I’ve always lived for.

Until I met Rachel and Piper.

One word that destroyed my last relationship.

She’s not like Ensley.

Consequences be damn, I’m going to have to tell Rachel then pray like hell that she won’t take off running. It’s all so damn new, and we are figuring out this whole relationship thing, now I’m leaving in less than a month. If history repeats itself, I won’t have Rachel (and Piper) to come home to.


I’m going to lose my damn mind before I even get up the courage to tell her.

How’s that for irony? War in Iraq didn’t scare me. Staring down the face of a criminal doesn’t bother me. I’m scared to tell this woman that I’ve fallen in love with, that I’m leaving.

I love her.

Calling on the only person I know that can walk me through it, I punch the button on my steering wheel. “Call Gunner.”

“Yo! Playboy. What’s up?”

Clearing my throat, I quickly try to form words without sounding like I’ve gone soft. “Got orders.”

“Yeah, figured that was going to happen here soon, right?”

“Uh. Yeah. Totally. Been waiting on this to come through for a while.”

“When do you leave?”

“Before Thanksgiving.”

Gunner whistles. “Ouch. That shit always sucks.”

“Tell me about it,” I huff in reply.