“You still should have let me pay for dinner,” I argue between bites.
“They had my card on file.” He has the nerve to act innocent with me.
When we’re all done eating, I take a few minutes to clean everything up, then we all move into the living room. Piper climbs up in Logan’s recliner with Lucky cuddled in her lap. I’m not entirely surprised that she’s fast asleep within minutes after the way she’s run full throttle today.
There’s no place else in this world that I want to be.
Piper’s sound asleep in my favorite chair with one of my kittens and Rachel is snuggled in my arms with Smokey purring in her lap while we watch some chick flick on tv.
I’m not worried about my next shift, my next deployment, or saving the world.
I’m content. At peace.
Something I haven’t been able to say for a long time.
Rachel shifts and looks up at me. “You’re awfully quiet all of a sudden.”
I give her a grin. “Got caught up in my head for a few minutes there.”
She turns sideways and crosses her legs, sitting up straight. “Oh, yeah? Whatcha thinking about?”
“Tell me more about this birthday party. Why didn’t you tell me your birthday was a few weeks away?”
Rachel blushes. “Why didn’t you tell me when your birthday was? Huh?”
“Told ya, Babe, I don’t have a birthday.”
She playfully punches my arm. “Yes, you do! I happen to know that it’s October 24th. Zoey told me.”
Rolling my eyes, I let out a groan. “Of course she did. Listen, I mean it, my birthday is no big thing.”
It hasn’t been a big thing for a long time. I usually spend the day at work and finish things off with a few beers. DEFCON crew usually calls me to check-in and make sure I’m good. That’s it.
Something tells me this year may be different.
Rachel huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “Fine, then neither is mine.”
“Oh no, ya don’t. Nice try. Piper already told me about your plan for a little celebration. There is no backing out now.”
With a wicked grin on her lips, she says, “Yeah, but what Piper didn’t tell you is that she is going to her Nana’s house. I was planning on asking you out on a date and having a celebration of our own. Since you’ll be away on my actual birthday.”
I’ll be damned. Color me intrigued. “Is that right? And when were you planning on inviting me to said celebration?”
“Well, like Piper said, it all depends on your behavior.” Leaning in closer, she whispers in my ear, “Only good boys get to come.”
Son of a bitch.
My eyes widen, and I sputter. “Run that by me again?”
“Oh, you heard me.”
There’s no hiding the effect her words have on me. “Yeah, I heard you, but damn if I don’t want to hear you say that again.”
“The party,” she makes air quotes, “is two Saturdays from now. It’s a little early, but we can celebrate before you leave. I guess you’re gonna have to behave yourself for the next two weeks if you plan to make it.”