Ping. The telltale text message alert pulls me from my stupor.
Logan: Have you made it home safely? You kinda left before I could kiss you goodbye.
I snort and quickly type out a one-word reply then hit send.
Logan: Good. That certainly makes for one heck of a memorable first time ;)
What am I supposed to say back to that? I can’t think of anything that won’t mortify me even more.
When I don’t answer straight away, he sends another message after I’ve gotten Piper into her bed and stretched out beside her for a few moments to make sure she stays asleep.
Logan: Hey, pretty girl. It’s okay. I was joking. Sorry if I made things worse. You alright?
Me: Can one die of mortification? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening here.
Logan: What’s there to be mortified by? It’s not like she caught us.
Me: But she could have!
Logan: She didn’t. It was just icing on the cake of a very interesting day with your daughter. I mean come on, I think her telling everyone what color your panties were, is a whole lot worse than yelling your name and cockblocking us.
Me: Shut up! God, that was definitely worse. Do you think she like...knows why...nevermind.
Logan: Ha. I bet your cheeks are pink right now. I’m no kid expert, but I don’t think your three-year-old knows that you wore pretty panties so you could get laid. Which...for the record, you don’t need pretty panties to get laid. You could always go without.
Me: Jesus, are you serious right now? I’m not about to go pantyless with her around. How the hell would I explain that? And I’ll have you know; I did not wear those for you! I wore them for me. They’re my favorite pair.
Doing my best not to disturb my sleeping princess, I carefully crawl from her bed. The fabric of my jean shorts rubs against my bare flesh as I realize that I may have left something behind at Logan’s place during my hasty departure.
Before he replies, I quickly type out another message.
Me: Which reminds me...In my quick escape, I may have left you a souvenir of sorts. I want those back!
I’m not prepared for his response.
Logan: You mean these?
Attached is a picture of my thong wrapped in his hand that is gripping his partially exposed and very hard...goods. Heat pools between my thighs and I audibly groan. I can’t even deny that I’m disappointed I didn’t have the chance to become even better acquainted with that.
Me: Logan! Jesus Christ. Warn a girl first. Oh, Lawdy. You know what usually happens when a girl gets an unsolicited dick pic, right?
Logan: First of all, tell me you didn’t want it. Really.
Me: Irrelevant. I wasn’t aware we had reached that level yet. Anyway. You know I’m now obligated to share this with every single one of my girlfriends, right?
Logan: You’re dodging the question. I’m pretty sure you screaming my name while my tongue licked you all over, before I buried myself inside you, took it to that level. But, I’m not ashamed. Share away - oh wait, you don’t share, remember? ;)
Me: Cocky fucker. Why the hell are we still texting? You could just pick up the phone and call.
A few minutes pass without a reply, and I begin to worry that I might have said something wrong.
Logan: Sorry about that, I needed to clean up. I could have called, but then you would have heard the breathy sounds of my voice when I came.
Me: I don’t believe you.
My phone rings.