“Ha. Cute. I like you and trust you a lot. Not enough that I’m going to let you drive the beast. I’m taking you car shopping.”
“Logan. No. Too much.”
“Is not. I know a guy, and he says he can cut you a good deal. I’m going to make sure he doesn’t screw you over. Everything else is up to you. You’re going back to work on light duty in another week, and you’re going to need a way to get back and forth. If you don’t want to go car shopping, then I’m bringing my truck over and parking it in your driveway for you to use.”
“Let me get this straight; you’ll lend me your truck but not the Mustang?”
“A man has to have some boundaries.”
“I can barely get in your truck with two good legs. No way I can manage to climb inside with this.” I look down at the cast.
“Car shopping it is.” He holds open the passenger side door. “Get in, and I’ll put your crutches in the trunk.”
“Should I be flattered that you’re even letting me ride shotgun?” I ask once he’s in the driver seat and backing out of the driveway.
“Absolutely. It’s not often I let a pretty lady in this one.”
I can’t tell if he’s serious or not. “Uhm, so, I guessthisis my competition?”
“I’m not sure it’s much of a competition. I’ve never heard you purr like this,” Logan says, pressing down on the gas enough to give me palpitations.
“Too fast. Slow it down.” I pant. “I thought driving with Nana was bad.”
He has the decency to look remorseful. “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Guess that ruined the mood, huh?”
“The mood?” I force a laugh. “What mood was that?”
“I was trying to be cute. Duh.”
Reaching over, I pinch his cheek and giggle. “Don’t try so hard.”
* * *
At the dealership, I realize that someone has clearly taken this seriously. Logan has looked up all the stats, compared safety features, and already made a list of vehicles that he finds acceptable. If it were anyone else, I’d be pissed and feel like I was being smothered. Something about the way he presents it is endearing. It’s clear that he’s looking out for my best interest. Not trying to control me.
“What are your thoughts on this one?” he asks.
I think I’ve successfully narrowed it down to a Toyota RAV 4 and the Camry, similar to my poor car that was totaled in the accident.
“There’s a little more room in this SUV. It might take a little getting used to. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“It’s a solid choice.” Logan nods in agreement.
“I guess it’s time to take a look at some numbers?”
“Your call. Don’t feel like you need to rush into this and buy one today.”
“Miss Beasley, any questions I can help you with?” The sales guy that Logan knows, joins us again.
“I think I’d like to see what kind of deal we can work on this one.”
“Great, I’ll be happy to help you. We can start running the numbers while you take this for a test drive.”
Logan must sense my panic. He’s by my side with a reassuring hand on my shoulder before I can blink. He whispers in my ear, “Breathe. Take a breath. I’ve got you.”
“On second thought,” I manage to choke out. “I don’t think this was such a good idea. I want to go.”
My heart’s racing, and my palms are sweaty. The air around me thickens, and I feel like I can’t breathe.