“She was still hungry.” He shrugs.
“Told you, you’ve gotta watch out for her. She’s got a killer sweet tooth. Like someone else I know.”
“I can make you something else. How about eggs and toast?” Logan offers.
“I’m not afraid to eat a donut Piper bit into.”
The confused look on his face is adorable. “Oh. Uhm. Yeah, right. It’s not like she has cooties or anything, right?”
“Piper’s had her cooties vaccine. No need to worry.”
“Haha. You’re so funny.” He rolls his eyes. “Let’s get you over to the couch. I brought you coffee fromAllegro’s, too.”
Logan gathers the donuts and coffee while I get comfortable on the couch and prop my leg up. Once we’re both settled, he hands me the box of donuts, and I choose the half-eaten chocolate frosted one. His face contorts while he ways all his options and picks the one with the smallest bite missing.
“Should I get you some Benadryl? You’re not going to go into anaphylactic shock, are you?” I tease.
He huffs. “I might.”
To add insult to injury, Piper decides to make herself at home in his lap. I know they’ve gotten close since the car accident, but I still half expect him to jump up or brush her off. Instead, he wraps an arm around her and surprisingly breaks off a piece of his donut and offers it to her.
I try not to read too much into the situation or the way she looks at him like he hung the moon. In the three years since she was born, I haven’t dated many guys, and only one made it to the point that she got to meet him. She never connected with Hal; the few times that we all were together, she always stuck close to me and avoided him.
I guess miracles never cease around here.
Eventually, Piper climbs down and starts pulling toys out of her toy box. Distracted by toys and Saturday morning cartoons, I take the opportunity to change positions on the couch and lay across his lap. He looks down at me and smiles, resting his arm gently on my waist.
“Nice pants, by the way.” Humor dances on his face.
“Shut up.” I pinch the hard plane of his stomach.
“How are you feeling today?”
“Still sore, nothing like it was. And before you ask, yes, I took the meds.”
“Good girl.” He winks.
“You didn’t have to come over. Piper and I could manage. You should spend some time with your little brother.”
“He was still asleep when I left. I don’t know how the hell he can sleep so late. Half the day is over before he wakes up.”
“Still. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you taking care of us, and I’d never say no to your company. Ryker came to see you.”
Logan shakes his head. “Don’t let Ryker ever fool you. I’m pretty sure little brother has an ulterior motive. I think he’s in town for more than a visit with me.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Hard to say. Wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t have to do with a woman.”
“Oooo. Interesting.”
“If you say so.” He takes my hair out of the ponytail and runs his fingers through it. “Anyway, I’ll check in with him in a bit. If he hasn’t run off to do whatever it is, he came here for. I’ll go home and spend some time with him.”
Digging deep for all the courage I have left, I clear my throat. “Can...can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” He shrugs.
“Areyoudoing okay? You’ve been so focused on Piper and me, and well, I’ve been in my bubble, too. I saw pictures of my car for the first time yesterday. It couldn’t have been easy for you to see what you saw.”