Page 38 of Cop Blocked

“You’re not getting any younger,” Ryker pokes.

This time he earns a punch in the arm. “Shut the fuck up. Not getting any younger,” I huff. “Remember, young grasshopper, with age comes great experience.”

“I feel like you just quoted a Disney movie. Have you been watching those kiddie movies again?”

“Knock the shit off Ryk, or I’m going to bed.” It’s an empty threat, but this kid is driving me nuts. “I’m allergic to all things kid-related. You know this.”

“Says the guy who rescued a baby and his mother from an attack in the middle of the sandpit.”

Throwing my head back on the couch, I let out a dramatic sigh. “Jesus Christ. I was doing my job. Let’s not bring something up from four years ago and make me into a hero.”

“Explain pulling your ‘not my girlfriend’ friend and her baby from burning car last weekend.”

Why in the world did I invite this little shit to invade my house this weekend? Seriously. I should have canceled and spent the weekend with Rachel. Instead, I’m dealing with this bullshit.

“There’s nothing to explain. I was in the right place at a bad time and did what needed to be done.”

“You’re an idiot.”

Ignoring Ryker, I recheck my phone, pleased when I find a text message from Rachel.

Rachel: Does little brother in town mean no breakfast tomorrow morning?

Attached is a selfie of her pouting.

Shit. Like I could ever say no to that.

Me: Ryker is perfectly capable of being left alone for a while. At least I think he is anyway. I don’t care. I’ll still see you in the morning. No pouting allowed, pretty girl.

Rachel: Would you think it was wrong, if I said, I miss you?

Me: What’s wrong with that? I miss you too. I’m tempted to leave right now and spend the evening with you, instead of Ryker.

Rachel: Don’t. Spend time with your brother. You don’t have to bring breakfast tomorrow either. I’m sure I can call Nana and have her come over.

Me: I’ll be there at nine. Only because I don’t have to work, and you and Piper should sleep in.

“Are you going to pull your head out of your ass sometime soon?” Ryker elbows my side and hands me another beer as I slip my phone back in my pocket. “You know you’re not like him, right?”

I look over at him but don’t answer.

“You’re not, Logan. For fuck sake. When are you going to let it go and accept that you’re not the same man he was? Have you yet to realize that you’re damn near the polar opposite of him in every way?”

He has a point.

How many fights have I gotten into over a guy putting hands on a woman? Not only did I nearly kill my father, but I also beat the shit out of a guy in my unit for giving his fiancée a black eye, risking getting court marshaled.

Damn Ryker, for always being inside my head and reading me like a book.

“If you keep using our asshole father as an excuse, you’re never going to truly be able to love someone and settle down with that white picket fence you want so bad.”

“Ryker.” I shoot him a glare. “Shut the fuck up.” I hold up a finger. “One, I loved Ensley. Wholeheartedly…”

He holds up a finger of his own. “You did. Didn’t mean you were ready to give her what she wanted. What she needed.”

“She wanted me to take some safe, cushy corporate job and give up everything that I am,” I defend.

“That may be true. But would you have ever been ready to marry the girl? Raise a family with her? That’s what she wanted more than anything. You were too stupid to hear it. You both drug that relationship along much longer than y’all needed to.”