“What the fuck? What kind of asshole would do that?”
Her voice drops. “The kind of asshole that doesn’t want kids.”
“It doesn’t matter what you want at that point. You man up and do what’s right. Period. There’s no way in hell I’d walk away. I might be scared half to death, but I’d stay.”
Rachel snorts. “Not everyone is like you.”
I’ve slept like shit every night this week. I’m still worried about Rachel and trying to convince her to let me do more.
Being back at work isn’t helping either.
I thought Rhys had it bad when his picture went viral. This is worse.
Cassel even gave an interview, singing my praises when I declined interviews personally. I prefer flying under the radar; thank you very much.
So, I’ve avoided coming into the station. Not to mention, I still haven’t said more than a few words to Smitty since he came to the hospital to check in on Rachel and Piper.
Unfortunately, he’s the first damn person I see when I walk in to pick up some forms before the end of my shift.
“We need to talk.”
“Smitty, I’m not in the mood. We tried that whole talking thing last weekend, and it didn’t really get us anywhere, did it?”
“I might have overreacted a little bit.”
I snort. “Understatement of the year, pal. Did your wife read you the riot act, is that why you’re here, following me around?”
“Goddamnit, Logan, will you hear me out for five seconds?”
For whatever reason, I relent. “Make it quick. I’ve got work to do.”
Smitty crosses his arms and sighs. “You need to be careful with her. She’s not someone you fuck and walk away from. Going out with her, you’re only going to lead her on, and it won’t be just Rachel that gets hurt. That woman is the reason our triplets are still alive. She means a lot to both of us, Zoey, especially. They’ve gotten close. Something goes south; it’s gonna create a fucking mess.”
“D, do you think I don’t know that? I’m well aware that this person that I’ve taken an interest in has a kid. I know what’s at stake. I’m not trying to fuck it up, and I’m not looking to fuck her and walk away. I know my past doesn’t paint me in such a pretty light, but you of all people should know, people change.” I give him a pointed glare and wait for him to tell me I’m wrong. I’ve been here long enough to know that Smitty’s past is as colorful as mine. “Right now, my only priority is making sure she takes care of herself. I’ll have to work the rest out later. Now, if we’re done here, I need to go. I’m picking up Ryker at the airport when I get off.”
I start to walk away, then stop. “Oh, by the way, I know all about the little pep talk you had with her too. Thanks for putting in a good word for me.”
Rachel and I have had several long talks since that’s about the only thing she can do to pass the time at the moment.
Smitty throws his hands in the air in defense. “Shit, Logan. I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, Zoey thinks I’m crazy. My wife thinks you two would be perfect for each other.”
Of course, Zoey does. She makes a living on creating unrealistic happy endings. “Yeah, well, whatever man. It is what it is.”
* * *
I should have known my little brother would start in on me the minute he walked through my front door. It seems like I can’t get away from any of the bullshit, no matter where I’m at.
“So, let me get this straight. You’ve taken Rachel out on what, like two dates. You’ve met her for coffee on your way into work once or twice, and you haven’t slept with her. Yet, you’re helping nurse her back to health?”
“Ryker, why the fuck are we talking about my dating life right now?” I roll my eyes at my younger brother as he stuffs another bite of his cheesesteak in his mouth.
“Uhm, because you haven’t made it past a second date in a long time. And, I’d also like to point out that you haven’t even really mentioned anyone since Ensley.”
“Whatever. This is why I don’t tell you things,” I grumble. “You’re worse than Sunny. She’s been up my ass about this girl too. Can’t a guy enjoy taking it slow and getting to know someone?” It’s hard not to get defensive right now. Both Ryker and Sunny have known me damn near my whole life, which also means that they know pretty much everything about me.